Celestial North Announces Her Debut Album ‘Otherworld’- Released On July 7, 2023 @ Top40-Charts.com – Armessa Music News


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Scottish, Lake District-based artist, Celestial North announces the release of her wonderful debut album Otherworld. Celestial North beckons you into her shimmering and ethereal world of spiraling wyrd-pop – a cosmic detour into a land of impossibility and beauty, bathed in folklore.

The lead single and title track Otherworld – is a sublime rush of celestial pop, enveloping tribal rhythms and twinkling instrumentals. Haunting mantras and hymn-like harmonies are bathed in the dawn light, anchored by a repeated refrain “don’t look back and you’ll never feel broken” that’s at once comforting and transportative. Celestial North explains that ‘Otherworld’ is “A rabble-rousing pick-me-up on days when life feels a bit much, a reminder that it will all be ok and that we are never truly alone in this world. Providing the beat and movement of life for us all to shake it off together.”

Deeply influenced by her natural surroundings and wild Scottish upbringing, the album was co-recorded and produced with Woody (Sea Power) in the Lake District, creating a stunning tapestry of work that adds a human heart and touch to elements of dream pop, electro-pop, folktronica, gaze, and techno, offering an escape to new realms, adventurous and futuristic, yet with its roots in ancient civilisations of the past. Weaving her self-proclaimed ‘Pagan euphoria’ across eleven startling songs, Otherworld is another marvelous step forward in her artistry and is the product of years of honing and refining her songwriting and sound. Describing the process of writing Otherworld, Celestial North reveals “I imagined that I was time-traveling through different and exciting worlds. Wandering through the ancient, sacred stone circles at Machrie Moor and then jumping straight into an underground rave in the forest.”

Premiered by Chris Hawkins on BBC 6 Music, the single Otherworld follows the success of ‘When The Gods Dance’ which also received airplay from the BBC, Amazing Radio, and various BBC Introducing shows – garnering praise from the likes of Roddy Hart at BBC Radio Scotland, Jim Gellatly of Amazing Radio, and Tom Salmon of BBC Introducing. The gorgeous follow-up ‘The Nature of Light’ received a similar response on radio and online and was featured in Under The Radar and Snack Magazine. The instrumental lushness of ‘Yarrow’ completed a trilogy of releases in 2022.

Celestial North is a talented, multi-faceted musician and songwriter with her songs regularly played on the BBC, Amazing radio and BBC Introducing shows. Her reworking of R.E.M.’s ‘Nightswimming’ – recorded for a God Is In the TV Zine charity album in 2022, received national radio play with BBC Scotland’s Roddy Hart proclaiming it “Majestic“. The release was included in Bandcamp’s Essential Releases with Nightswimming chosen as the Editorial Director’s personal highpoint. Following a run of early singles, Celestial North was touted by Under The Radar and God Is In The TV as ‘One to watch in 2021’ and one of the ‘finest new acts for 2021’.

‘Stunning. An uplifting, beautiful dreamscape to Utopia and might be the best music you’ll hear this week” Chris Hawkins , BBC Radio 6 Music

‘This dreamy, effervescent synth-pop from Edinburgh’s Celestial North at once evokes a witchy, wiccan naturalism and a music festival dance tent.’ -Snack Magazine.

”Majestic – full of hypnotic rhythms…’ – Roddy Hart, BBC Radio Scotland. Luscious, ethereal…’ – Under The Radar

‘Viking Dreamfolk to dance and soar to…’ – Higher Plain Music.

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