Christopher Nolan Courts Controversy From Most Unexpected Casting Choice – Armessa Movie News


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Oppenheimer is the subject of a new controversy on social media, with users drawing attention to the large age gap between Cillian Murphy’s lead character and his younger love interest played by Florence Pugh. Directed by Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer chronicles the life and career of American theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, the man largely responsible for the creation of the atomic bomb.

Now, ahead of the Oppenheimer release date, users on Twitter are voicing their opinions about the discourse revoling around the age gap between Murphy’s protagonist and Pugh’s Jean Tatlock, his mistress. Check out some of the tweets below:

Canceling Oppenheimer for his age gap relationship and only that,” @granitelefty writes, poking fun at the controversy for seemingly not including Oppenheimer’s creation of the deadliest weapon in human history.

@SiddhantAdlakha expresses surprise at two major controversies, expressing disbelief that Oppenheimer has started a debate over on-screen age gaps while its competitor, Barbie, has been banned in Vietnam.

@tomandlorenzo is ready to be done with the controversy altogether, writing that those involved in heated debates about Oppenheimer and Barbieneed to splash some cold water on your face and lie down because you’re sounding pretty silly right now.

@maiamindel echoes a common sentiment, writing “I can excuse Robert Oppenheimer inventing nuclear weapons, but I draw the line at the problematic age gap with his girlfriend.”

@N7aClGamer is also fed up with the online discourse about the age-gap controversy, saying “Can’t believe people are legitimately doing age gap discourse for Oppenheimer like Jesus Christ what happened to people’s brains.”

Do I have some news for you,” @bradwhipple writes, addressing those who think that the age gap between Oppenheimer and his mistress is the most controversial aspect of Oppenheimer’s life.

@frazbelina complains about the controversy as well, writing “Oppenheimer leading to yet another round of age gap and sex scene discourse.

The man has an otherwise clean record on the human race,” @moaquirk writes, echoing earlier sentiments.

@OhMyMithrandir looks at Murphy himself and whether the actor would even be aware that such a controversy exists, writing that “Cillian Murphy doesn’t even know what a meme is and probably has a nokia brick that he has kept in working condition and will never see it.

More to come…

Source: Various/ Twitter

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