Craig Charles hospitalised after falling ill on air during BBC 6 Music show – Armessa Music News


Craig Charles was hospitalised after he fell ill live on air.

The DJ was in the middle of presenting his BBC 6 Music show on Wednesday (March 22) when he reportedly developed a number of concerning symptoms.

Charles described on air today (March 24) how he suffered from “tingling” in his fingers, as well as a “pain” in the right shoulder which lanced up his neck and head. Despite concern from his production staff, Charles continued with the show and only went to the hospital following the end of his slot on 6 Music.

“My hands couldn’t grip the pen and my fingers were tingling,” he told listeners (as per Mirror Online). “I had a pain in the right side of me shoulder going up my neck and into the back of my head.”

Craig Charles was rushed to hospital after he fell ill live on air during his BBC 6 Music show. CREDIT: BBC

The former Red Dwarf star added that his producer had asked if he was OK, to which he replied:”Not really, but we’ll get through the show.”

Charles was then reportedly urged by BBC colleagues to go to hospital, however, it wasn’t until his wife Jackie became involved that he was rushed to A&E at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester.

The DJ explained what happened when arrived at hospital during his show earlier on today. He described to listeners how he was given an ECG test straight away to rule out any heart problems, though he added that he spent 24 hours in hospital undergoing a number of tests.

Charles said that a CT scan was all clear with Doctors telling him that “nothing [is] wrong with the brain, and the blood flows going quite nicely from my neck up into my head so I’m fine”. He also underwent an MRI while in the hospital.

Charles added that doctors still don’t know what’s wrong with him, but reassured listeners on his Friday show that he’s “not dying yet”. He quipped: “So nearly 24 hours in the hospital and they still don’t know what’s wrong with me but at least I’m not dying yet.”


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– Armessa Music News


