Dead City’s Villain Twist Is Even Grosser Than The Whisperers – Armessa Movie News


Warning: Spoilers for The Walking Dead: Dead City season 1, episode 3The Walking Dead: Dead City’s third episode explains not only where new villain The Croat (Željko Ivanek) gets his fuel, but how he turns zombies into drugs too. It was clear from Dead City’s poster – which features Maggie (Lauren Cohan) and Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) against the decapitated, zombified head of the Statue of Liberty – that the Walking Dead spinoff series would be riffing on John Carpenter’s Escape from New York. Dead City episode 3 “People Are a Resource” makes those links stronger than ever, right down to warlord The Croat entertaining his people with violent gladiator matches staged in Madison Square Garden.

The Walking Dead: Dead City’s “People Are a Resource” is also making it clear how much The Croat was influenced by his time with Negan and The Saviors. He rallies people behind him by providing shelter and family in exchange for following his every order. Dead City reveals more of The Croat’s background too, revealing the haunting fate of his wife and children, and what he used to do for a living; the latter of which feeds into arguably the grossest use of zombies in the franchise to date.

Related: The Walking Dead: Dead City Episode 4 Trailer – Maggie & Negan Attack The Arena

Yes, Dead City’s Croat Is Using Corpses As Fuel

While trying to tempt the captive New Babylon marshal Perlie (Gaius Charles) into giving up information, The Croat offers up some info on himself. He reveals his previous profession involved “alternative energy,” and when he arrived in New York, he quickly realized the most abundant natural resource on the island was death. As the Walking Dead villain explains the process: “The bodies break down and produce methane and because the intermolecular forces are weak, the gas can be pressurized into a liquid fuel at regular temperatures.”

Biofuel is a renewable energy source produced by living materials such as plants or animal waste, with common examples including biofuel or ethanol. When Perlie first enters Madison Square Garden in The Walking Dead: Dead City’s “People Are a Resource,” he gets a preview of their biofuel technique as a zombie is submerged in a tank. Horrifying as The Croat energy solution may be, there’s a twisted type of logic to it. Literally no body is wasted either, as The Croat is seen recycling the body of one of his men as fuel while paraphrasing Saviors’ era Negan by proclaiming “People are a resource!

It Gets Worse – Dead Bodies Are The Walking Dead’s New Drug

the walking dead dead city zombie drug

The Walking Dead: Dead City continues the series’ tradition of finding inventive and gross new uses for the undead. Case in point would be the scene where poor Perlie is pushed into a cage match with a zombie and forced to inhale the methane from a zombie tank to make him high beforehand. While this was used to put the marshal at a disadvantage in the fight, it’s obvious this is used as an actual way of getting high by The Croat’s people.

The Walking Dead villains The Whisperers used to wear the dead skin of the undead to hide among them. Disgusting as this method was, using rotting corpses as a source for drugs is still a new low. The Walking Dead: Dead City has three episodes to get yet, so maybe The Croat has devised some other unsavory uses for the “walkers.”


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