Deadpool’s Future Form Turns His Immortality into a Living Nightmare – Armessa Movie News


Warning: contains spoilers for X-Force #42!Marvel has revealed Deadpool‘s humiliating fate in the distant future. Deadpool is one of the publisher’s most popular characters, having headlined two successful movies (with a third on the way) as well as starring in numerous titles. Yet, in the grim future depicted in X-Force #42, the Merc with a Mouth has been enslaved and humiliated by a tyrannical version of the Beast.

X-Force #42, part three of “The Ghost Calendars,” is written by Benjamin Percy, drawn by Paul Davidson, colored by GURU-eFX and lettered by Joe Caramagna. An older version of Kid Omega has pulled X-Force into a dystopian future presided over by the Nimrod-Beast – a version of Hank McCoy upgraded with Sentinel tech. Readers see the Nimrod-Beast on his throne – and Deadpool is serving as his court jester, complete with a costume festooned in bells. Nimrod Beast has rechristened him “Deadfool.” In true court jester fashion, Deadpool goads Nimrod Beast, but is rewarded with energy blasts for his troubles. Nimrod Beast tells Deadpool the only reason he is kept alive is “to make a mockery of you as a failed totem of X-Force and of humanity.” Nimrod-Beast advises Deadpool not to test his patience, telling him he only still exists because he’s “a bad joke.” X-Force confront Nimrod Beast, and when he is overpowered by Cerebrax, Deadpool delivers the death blow to his former master.

Deadpool Becomes Nimrod-Beast’s Jester

The future that Kid Omega brought X-Force to is a dark and cruel one. Over the past year in X-Force, the Beast has gone down a dark path, crossing moral and ethical lines in the pursuit of protecting mutantkind. The Beast has operated on his fellow mutants without their consent and has done the same to humans. Beast has manipulated his fellow mutants as well, maneuvering them like pieces on a chessboard; Wolverine suffered the worst at Beast’s hands, as his former friend cloned him to create living weapons. Kid Omega has taken X-Force to a future where the Beast’s machinations come to full fruition, and he keeps Deadpool around purely to soak up his abuse.

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Deadpool Has Survived Centuries of Torture

deadpool survived until future

X-Force have been traveling backwards from the far future, erasing Beast’s fail safes back to their root, and first encountered Deadpool as the last leader of a mutated group of humans, poisoned by the pesticides he’s used to keep Beast’s genetic experiments at bay. Now fans learn that before that point, Deadpool was kept alive as a jester. Wade tends to absorb a lot of suffering, but living for centuries only to be mocked, abused, and tortured is a lot even for him. Sadly, his healing factor means there’s no easy out for a man who’s all but impossible to kill.

Deadpool Knows How to Play the Long Game

Deadpool Future X-Force 3

While Wade is often seen as impulsive and foolish, he’s an expert at playing the clown until he has the chance to strike. While Beast may have kept Deadpool on a very short leash, he never actually broke Wade’s mind or spirit. While Beast may have seen Deadpool as a “terrible joke,” the Merc With a Mouth proved to be anything but, killing the mutant tyrant and helping to eradicate his influence over the future – exactly the kind of scheme only Wade Wilson can pull off.

X-Force #42 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!


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