Despite Promising Star Trek 4 Update, Is Paramount Looking To Reboot The Film Series Again?- Armessa Movie News


Star Trek fans haven’t been lacking in new TV content for more than half a decade now, but the film side of the franchise has been in stasis ever since the release of Star Trek Beyond. Recently though, it seemed like that might be changing, as Star Trek 4 co-writer Lindsey Anderson Beer stated that the next Kelvin timeline movie is “still on the tracks.” However, new information has been shared possibly indicating we’re in for another cinematic Star Trek reboot.

Within a report detailing the various film and TV productions that are gearing up to resume now that the writers strike is over, Variety mentions that Paramount Pictures is “hoping to have writers fine-tuning scripts” for what’s described as a “planned reboot” of Star Trek, as well as its film adaptation of Rainbow Six, which will see Michael B. Jordan reprising John Clark from Without Remorse. What’s unclear is if the outlet using the term “reboot” is just being used offhandedly to refer to Star Trek 4 or if this franchise intends to once again reset continuity like it did in 2009 with the simply-named Star Trek.


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