Doctor Who Audio Drama Actor Hopes To Reprise Classic Villain Role In TV Story – Armessa Movie News


Doctor Who audio drama actor Rufus Hound rather creatively expresses his interest in reprising his role of the classic series villain The Meddling Monk. The character was the first Time Lord other than the Doctor to appear in the series, crossing paths with William Hartnell’s First Doctor in 1965’s “The Time Meddler.” The Monk was portrayed by Peter Butterworth in “The Time Meddler” and “The Dalek’s Master Plan,” and has been voiced by Hound, Graeme Garden, and Game of Thrones‘ Gemma Whelan in Big Finish’s audio dramas.


While Hound is set to reprise his role as the Monk in Big Finish’s Doctor Who 60th anniversary adventure Once & Future, the actor now shares his hopes to reprise the role on television one day.

Hound made his interest known when Doctor Who YouTuber Jimi Wolfe discussed the character’s long absence from the television series, despite the Time Lord’s pivotal role and multiple reappearances in expanded media. In response to Wolfe’s Tweet, Hound reveals his hopes by cheekily saying, “Just to let you and the fandom know, if anyone else ever gets to play The Monk on television before me, I will track them down and kill them.”

What Happened To Doctor Who‘s Other Classic Time Lord Characters?

Doctor Who has had no shortage of villains originating from Gallifrey. Since 2005, the series has seen the returns of classic characters The Master and Rassilon, and the introduction of The Doctor’s corrupt scientist mother Tecteun. Despite this, there are still a number of notable classic Time Lords who have yet to return, including companions Susan and Romana, and foes including the Monk, Omega, and The Rani.

Upon Doctor Who‘s return in 2005, Gallifrey and its Time Lords were established as being lost following the Time War with the Daleks, leaving only the Doctor and the Master as the last survivors. However, later seasons would re-establish Gallifrey, with the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) even returning home in “Hell Bent” and the Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) finding herself caught in Time Lord conspiracies. Though The Master would destroy the planet following the revelations of the Timeless Child, Tecteun’s later appearance could show that other Time Lords survived The Master’s rage.

Related: Doctor Who: The Timeless Child Retcon Erases The Doctor’s Legend

With Neil Patrick Harris potentially portraying the Celestial Toymaker in the upcoming Doctor Who 60th anniversary episodes, it remains to be seen if other long-absent foes could return to the series. While Hound had a guest role in 2015’s “The Woman Who Lived,” Doctor Who is no stranger to actors taking on multiple roles. As such, with the actor having played the Monk for Big Finish, Hound’s appearance would be a perfect way to bring both the TV series and audio dramas closer.

Source: Rufus Hound/Twitter


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