Donald Glover To Star In Spider-Man Movie About Obscure Comics Villain – Armessa Movie News


Starring as the obscure Spider-Man villain Hypno-Hustler, Donald Glover will be producing his own movie for the Sony Spider-Man villain universe.

Donald Glover is set to star as Spider-Man villain Hypno-Hustler in a film that he will be producing for Sony. Sony has been attempting to build a movie universe that revolves around many of Spider-Man’s villains, including Morbius, Venom, Kraven the Hunter, and even little-known villains like El Muerto. So far, the universe has been a mixed bag with Venom earning acclaim from audiences, while Morbius was a box office flop that earned widespread ridicule.


Now,The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that the next upcoming iteration of the Sony’s Spider-Man universe will be Hypno-Hustler, with Glover set to star and produce. Glover has appeared in a Spider-Man movie before, appearing in Spider-Man: Homecoming as Aaron Davis, the uncle of fellow Spider-Man Miles Morales. He also voiced Miles Morales in Ultimate Spider-Man. This will be his first major live-action role within the web-slinger’s universe. In addition to Glover, Myles Murphy, son of Eddie Murphy, is attached to write the movie.

Related: Why Morbius’ Reviews Are So Bad

Who Is Hypno-Hustler?

WTF Spider-Man Villains - Hypno Hustler

While many Spider-Man villains are scientists, Hypno-Hustler is a musician gone rogue. The lead singer of the Mercy Killers, Hypno-Hustler – also known as Antoine Delsoin – uses a hypnotic guitar to take control over his enemies. While typically not considered one of the more popular or recognizable villains, he has made his mark in the comics as one of the more ridiculous antagonists. Yet, with his musical interests and his shameless greed, he could make a fun villain that could benefit tremendously from Glover’s charisma.

Still, it will be difficult to create a complex story centering around a villain like Hypno-Hustler. While comic book movies have begun embracing comic book aesthetics more, Hypno-Hustler is particularly difficult and is very obviously a relic of the 1970s disco scene. If the movie embraces the ridiculous nature of the character, it could be brilliant, but trying to play Hypno-Hustler straight might be painful. Much like a Morbius sequel would need to adopt humor, Hypno-Hustler is simply a character who cannot be taken seriously. Glover, a musician and comedian, can play the character perfectly, so long as Sony plays to his strengths.

Will Donald Glover Return To The MCU?

Donald Glover Lando

While Morbius‘ post-credits scene introduced the Vulture to the Spider-Man villain universe, there are still few ties between Sony’s universe and the MCU. After all, their stories are largely separated and are only ever linked through cameo appearances and a few one-off jokes. Should Marvel introduce Miles Morales, there is no reason that Glover couldn’t still appear as the Prowler. Though audiences might be somewhat confused, Glover is a skilled enough actor that he would be able to manage the role well. Besides, Hypno-Hustler has a particularly strange costume, which will hopefully be able to distract audiences from the similarities between Prowler and Hypno-Hustler.

More: Who Is El Muerto? Sony’s Spider-Man Villain Universe Character ExplainedSource: The Hollywood Reporter

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