Dum Dum Pacheco Biography Rights Taken by Mother Superior Films – Armessa Movie News


In a knock-out deal, Ignacio Cucucovich and Gustavo Hernández of Montevideo-based Mother Superior Films have acquired rights to Spanish boxer and entertainer José Luis ‘Dum Dum’ Pacheco’s life story, starting with his autobiography, “Mear Sangre.”

“Dum Dum is a living reflection of a generation that’s managed to overcome many blows at a difficult time in history. He was born into a humble home, imprisoned at a very young age,” Cucucovich told Variety.

“In addition, the era the story would encompass is fascinating to us, full of freedoms gaining ground, young people exploring and developing, in success and error, a lot of creative abundance, in a constant clash with what society then considered correct. It was a time of discovery and creation.”

Pacheco, formerly part of the notorious 1960s Madrid street gang ‘Los Ojos Negros,’ beat the odds and escaped the streets to become one of Spain’s top athletes. After a violent and abuse-riddled stint in prison urged-on his further delinquency, he served in the military to sort himself out, going on to become the national welterweight champion and the number one boxer in Europe. Pacheco’s also been credited with boosting singer-songwriter Camilo Sesto’s nascent garage rock band, Los Dayson, and starring in several films.

“The most fascinating part of Pacheco’s life are his last years in prison and his growing development and rebellion, becoming champion of Spain, going through all of that wonderful time of resurgence of music and freedom, which makes the film appealing for a wide audience,” related Cucucovich. “If we add that he was one of those responsible for paving the way for Sesto, we have a good mix to achieve a powerful story that captivates the public.”

Boarding the project are Uruguayan scribe Juma Fodde Roma (“Splendorous Garden of the Heart”) with Hernández (“La Casa Muda”), set to direct. The trio worked closely on prior buzz titles “Lobo Feroz,” “No Dormirás” and “El Hombre Del Saco,” all upscale genre films.

“Gustavo’s a director with brutal narrative power, capable of making us emotional and putting us in the shoes of the anti-hero,” Cucucovich relayed. “If we add his unique visual language, that’ll enhance everything related to the period and take it to another level, creating a more than attractive project.”

He concluded: “Fodde is the perfect complement for Hernández, a screenwriter who’s perfectly understood what we’re looking for and what the public wants, with talent and marvellous creativity.” 

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