Dwayne Johnson Had A Little Too Much Fun With The Tequila, Then Went Full Dwanta Claus- Armessa Movie News


Yesterday was Christmas and so for a lot of us that meant hanging out with friends and family, relaxing and having a good time. And as in most things, it looks like The Rock did it better, or at least bigger, than most of us when it comes to the celebrating. He may have over-indulged a tad in the tequila, but he clearly was enjoying himself, and we got a peak at the fun as well. 

Dwayne Johnson is dressed as Santa, though it looks like he’s waring Santa’s robe more than his coat, and singing a Christmas song in a post that went up on Instagram yesterday. He’s just making up the words to “A Christmas Song” as he goes along, and honestly they become close to gibberish, which Dwayne Johnson blames on the tequila, because of course he was going to get a plug in for something. Check it out.


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