Every Ghostface, Ranked By Intelligence – Armessa Movie News


The wildly successful horror franchise Scream is getting another installment to the series, marking the sixth film to star Ghostface. Fans have already started speculating who will dawn the black cloak and Ghostface in the film or if there will be more than one killer like in the previous movies.

Wes Craven changed the horror genre with Ghostface by making the character more calculated and goal-oriented than other horror villains who killed at random. This choice has led to Ghostface being one of the most brilliant horror villains of all time, no matter who is playing the killer.


14 Jamal Elliot

Jamal wasn’t as bad as other Scream villains, but he made a mistake that proved to be fatal when he revealed Beth’s identity as Ghostface to his brother. As one of the smarter killers, Beth was able to take Jamal’s issues with his family and twist them for her own gain, so she could have an accomplice and throw everyone off her trail as the other Ghostface.

His ultimate downfall was trusting Beth when it was clear that she was only out to serve herself.

13 Stu Macher

Stu was one of the most lovable characters in Scream until it was revealed that he was in on Billy’s plan to kill all of his friends for no other reason than something to do.

Stu should’ve rethought his partnership with Billy since it is clear from his relationship with Sidney that he is only worried about himself and is someone who would kill his best friend to be the only one holding the secrets of their killing spree, primarily when Stu defends himself as not being a killer in front of their friends.

12 Charlie Walker

When it comes to Charlie Walker, he ranks similarly to Stu. He was also a pawn in the game of a more sadistic and evil killer but planned more complex killings by filing and posting the kills.

Charlie hid his relationship with Jill to keep people from connecting the two but was manipulated to believe he would share the fame of surviving the massacre with her. Ultimately Charlie should’ve taken notes from Stu’s and realized he would not be surviving the plot Jill laid out.

11 Beth

Beth was one of few killers who had no real motive beyond it being something to do and feeding her love of horror movies. Unlike other films, Beth was easy to pin as the killer – almost too easy, which made those around her think it was too obvious.

With her love of horror movies, it seems like Beth will be more of a Randy character than a Billy, but this only helped her plan and hid her identity as Ghostface, but it didn’t help her survive.

10 Piper Shaw

Piper has similar methods to Mrs. Loomis as she implants herself as a reporter in town and not someone connected to any of the new murders the series is based on. Piper’s motive is jealousy which Scream lore tells fans automatically that the killer will not make it to the end of the movie or the following season, depending on which Scream is referenced.

Like every Ghostface before her, Piper takes her mask off too early, leading to her plan falling through and her demise.

9 Jill Roberts

Jill Roberts subverted the classic final girl horror movie trope by revealing herself as the killer who would pose as the lone survivor of copycat killings, but she made one mistake that foiled her plans for good.

By not checking to see if she killed Sidney or was just playing dead, Jill allowed her cousin to remain in the top spot of the final girl in the Scream franchise. Her thirst for fame and notoriety clouded her judgment and led to her downfall but ironically gained her notoriety after her death.

8 Kieran Wilcox

Kieran Wilcox proved that Ghostface only gets smarter throughout the sequels, as he kept himself out of suspicion of being involved with season one’s Ghostface and having committed several murders before the second season of the show began.

Like many other Scream killers, Kieran was fueled by revenge on his killing spree but didn’t meet his end until after he was caught and arrested. The show’s complexity aided in making Kieran brighter and more than a copycat looking for fame and notoriety, but his revenge clouded his judgment allowing him to get caught.

7 Amber Freeman

Amber had all the tools to be one of the best Ghostfaces in the franchise but thought she could outsmart Gale and Sidney, which has never worked out for anyone in the past.

Amber copied many of the other killers’ motives and methods which was a mistake given that none of them had gotten away with the crimes. Still, she did hide her identity well enough that viewers and characters were shocked when she revealed herself as one of the killers in the movie.

6 Richie Kirsch

Richie was similar to Mickey from Scream 3 with his motives and how he went about killing people as Ghostface, especially with how he hid his horror movie knowledge.

His use of humor kept everyone off the trail of who Richie was and what he had planned with Amber, but like those before him, he trusted his partner too much to see that she would eventually take him out in the name of being the one in the spotlight and the subject of the next Stab.

5 Mickey Altieri

Mickey did a lot of things right when it came to his time as Ghostface, and unlike other killers in the films, he had an exit strategy that didn’t focus on him not being caught; in fact, he wanted to get caught because, like Jill, he wanted the fame that Billy got from being the original Ghostface.

But as Sidney points out, he makes the mistake that every other killer has in underestimating her strength and ability to survive by any means necessary. Mickey is smart enough to think ahead but still falls to his accomplice like so many other Ghostface have in the past.

4 Billy Loomis

Billy Loomis made horror fans realize that sometimes the real monsters are humans with his sadistic manipulation of everyone, including his so-called best friend and girlfriend, in the name of revenge.

Billy’s master plan rewrote the horror genre as he had motives beyond killing at random; each kill symbolized something, whether leaving no witnesses or taking down the people who had wronged him earlier in his life. Billy showed a lot of red flags throughout the movie that made fans wonder if he was the killer, but faking his death made the reveal much more shocking.

3 Mrs. Loomis

Billy Loomis clearly got his smarts from his mother, as she is one of the smartest Ghostfaces of all time with her well-thought-out plan that not only hid her identity for most of the film but included an accomplice that was easy to write off as the sole killer.

Mrs. Loomis took numerous measures to involve herself with Sidney and her friends so that she could get revenge for her son’s death. Mrs. Loomis is the only killer to outsource her partner as someone with whom she had no prior relationship.

2 Roman Bridger

Roman is the most intelligent killer as he works alone, leaving no loose ends to tie up and eliminating the possibility of a partner having a change of heart. He also was the blueprint for every Ghostface, starting with Billy, but no one knew because he kept himself out of the picture until the third film.

This choice led to one of the most shocking reveals in the franchise but left it last on the Rotten Tomatoes ranking of Scream movies. However, his smartest choice was a bulletproof vest.


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