Every Minecraft Monster Added To DnD 5e – Armessa Movie News


Dungeons & Dragons and Minecraft have formed a new partnership that brings both worlds together in chaotic goodness that gamers get to benefit from, including five Minecraft monsters that have officially been added to DnD through a free volume of the Monstrous Compendium. The joint venture between the two game franchises was announced earlier today, March 28, 2023. These new stats will allow DMs to introduce the beloved blocky Minecraft monsters into their DnD campaigns to surprise and delight players.


The partnership between Wizards of the Coast and Mojang Studios not only brings Minecraft monsters to DnD but also brings a new DLC of DnD adventures to Minecraft. In both crossovers, the freedom and creativity from each intellectual property bring a touch of whimsy while combining the best of fantasy elements from both. Minecraft monsters being added to Dungeons & Dragons campaigns may at first seem strange, but in the right situation, it could be a fun and creative way to liven up an adventure.

Every Minecraft Monster In DnDBeyond’s Monstrous Compendium Vol. 3

Five Minecraft monsters are included in the new Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures available from D&D Beyond for free. The Compendium is a continuation of the Monster Manual and as such continues with the same art style and stat block formatting as that book utilizes. Each monster is listed in the Compendium as a Creature with the Creature Type and Challenge Rating listed, allowing DMs to know how big of a threat the monster is and how much XP they could provide should the players succeed.

The included monsters are five of the most iconic from the Minecraft world:

  • Blaze, a fiery Elemental
  • Creeper, a truly bizarre Monstrosity
  • Ender Dragon, a Gargantuan Dragon
  • Enderman, a purple-eyed Aberration
  • Wolf of the Overworld, the lovable blocky beast Wolf

D&D Beyond’s Monstrous Compendium Volume 3: Minecraft Creatures Is Free

Minecraft Creatures In DnD style sketches

To obtain the free Monstrous Compendium Volume 3: Minecraft Creatures, all someone has to do is be logged into their D&D Beyond account and click the button to claim it. The short bestiary is only made of these five additions from the Minecraft universe, with all included summaries, stat blocks, and even the monster’s alignment information. The book was a joint venture between Wizards of the Coast and Mojang Studios, with teams from both sides reviewing and changing the content until it was perfected.

Minecraft’s Blaze In D&D 5e

Minecraft Blaze In DnD, the monster drawn in DnD Sketch style

The Blaze monster from Minecraft is brought to DnD as a medium elemental who is typically Neutral Evil alignment. As one might imagine, it is a fire creature that can shoot fireballs and ignite creatures and objects with ease. It is susceptible to water and not only is illuminated but also sends bright light in a very large radius around it. As such, darkvision is high on this creature because everything is alight.

Minecraft’s Creeper In D&D 5e

Minecraft Creeper In DnD with the standard DnD sketch artstyle

Creepers are one of the most recognized creatures when it comes to Minecraft. The green, explosive, armless entity that shuffles around only to explode itself is one of the first monsters that come to mind for many when Minecraft is mentioned, and as such it is an important addition to DnD‘s Monster Compendium. They quietly skulk through the darkness toward their prey and then hiss before exploding themselves and everything around them.

For writing stats to apply this monster to DnD rules, they are a bit different from a normal enemy as they don’t typically attack or utilize actions. The only actions a creeper can use are Dash, Disengage, Hide, and Search. It is listed as a Medium Monstrosity that is typically Neutral Evil. As is the case in Minecraft, the Creeper has a fear of felines and after a Creeper has exploded, its head is left behind as a hollow item that can be worn as a mask by a player.

Ender Dragons Of Minecraft Are Now In Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Minecraft Ender Dragon In DnD in DnD's sketch style artwork

Dungeons and Dragons is no stranger to dragons, but the Ender Dragon of Minecraft is a bit different from the stereotypical dragons that adventuring parties may be used to encountering in the Forgotten Realms. Listed as a Gargantuan Dragon with a Chaotic Evil alignment, this creature uses a putrid breath weapon of purple gas and powerful bites to defeat all but the sturdiest of heroes. Ender Dragons can also receive healing from End crystals found on top of tall obsidian towers.

Endermen From Minecraft Join D&D 5e

Minecraft Enderman In DnD in the DnD Sketch artstyle

The Enderman likes to gather in groups or at least pairs and has teleporting powers. This Medium Aberration is typically Chaotic Neutral and only knows Endspeech as its language. One beneficial aspect of facing an Enderman is that when it dies it implodes and leaves behind only a simple, glowing, purple Ender pearl. This item can be thrown up to 60 feet and will teleport whoever threw it to the space it lands, though the pearl will then disappear.

Related: Minecraft: How Tall An Enderman Would Be In Real Life

Minecraft’s Wolf Of The Overworld In D&D 5e

Minecraft Wolf In DnD, a trio of blocky wolves in DnD sketch artwork

DnD already featured wolves as one of its common monsters in the Monster Manual. The Wolf of the Overworld stat block is nearly identical to a regular DnD Wolf, other than a slightly higher passive perception and some slight tweaks to other stats. These Minecraft wolves have the typical blocky appearance and are indifferent to Humanoids other than skeletons. Any animated skeleton will be chased and attacked immediately, but other humanoid creatures do not trigger aggression unless they are hostile toward the wolves first. These creatures can be tamed to create a unique pet.

With a little creativity, DMs can use this free compendium to bring some clever chaos into their DnD campaigns. Whether by transporting characters to an alternate plane of existence, or simply letting these creatures roam some forgotten corner of the Forgotten Realms, any player who is familiar with Minecraft could be delighted, or terrified, to encounter some of these enemies. Minecraft monsters for Dungeons & Dragons are available now through DnD Beyond’s free Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures.

Source: DnDBeyond, Dungeons & Dragons/YouTube


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