Goop’s Gwyneth Paltrow Addresses Claims That The Company’s Health Recommendations Are ‘Pseudoscience’- Armessa Movie News


For a long time, Gwyneth Paltrow was chiefly known to the public as an actress, with her notable credits including Seven, Shakespeare in Love and The Talented Mr. Ripley. These days though, Paltrow has retired from acting and is focused on running her wellness and lifestyle brand/company Goop, which has skyrocketed in popularity over the last decade. However, with that increased profile has come more claims that Goop’s health recommendations are “pseudoscience,” which Paltrow recently took some time to address.

Gwyneth Paltrow launched Goop in 2008, the same year that she debuted as Pepper Potts in Iron Man, and now the company is reported to be a $250 million business. That said, Goops has been criticized over the years from various doctors and scientists for championing products and methods that aren’t scientifically proven. Here’s what Paltrow said to CBS News after being asked what she had to people accusing Goop of promoting pseudoscience:

I genuinely don’t understand where that comes from, because we don’t do that. We’ve never done that. I mean, especially when we started, there were so many modalities and ways of achieving wellness that had no scientific backing, but that have worked in India for thousands of years, or worked in China. So, I think it was, like, a way to take shots at us. But there’s nothing that we talk about that’s actually that wacky.


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