Grammy Nominated Recording Artist Chris St John Releases His Newest Album “The Sinner And The Saint” @ – Armessa Music News


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Chris has traveled extensively, living in China during college and navigating five continents for recreation and mission work, providing healthcare, school supplies, clothing, and food for impoverished people, particularly orphans. His experiences have given him a deep well to draw, intelligent, and thought-provoking lyrics. He combines catchy, beautiful, and unique melodies, time signatures, and tempo changes to provide a landscape for his poetry. His record could be described as a singer-songwriter, but it incorporates multiple genres, including rock, soft-rock, pop, folk, jazz, classical, and swing elements to give the listener a distinctive Americana experience that encourages many listens. In his newest release, the new album titled “The Sinner and the Saint” St John captures raw emotion and bottles it into radio ready artwork. On track 9 “Then I Met You” the James Taylor Gordon Lightfoot like velvet voiced St John presents a George Jones kind of lyrical presentation. The recording studio tracked the number with just the right amount of reverb cushion, just enough so you know it’s there even the background singers have ample clarity but do not overpower St John’s presentation. Ten more tracks on this new album and not a clunker among them. The album is being serviced to radio by Bill Wence Promotions in Nashville and the visibility efforts are being handled by John in Houston. Preview all the tracks at The Sinner and the Saint – Chris St. John (

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