Green Lantern Can Be Taken Down By One Avenger (in Seconds) – Armessa Movie News


A knockout brawl between Green Lantern and an invisible foe highlights how Hal Jordan wouldn’t stand a chance against one member of the Avengers.

Evil may beware Green Lantern’s light, but it seems that one Avenger has nothing to fear in a potential match-up. A foe with one particular power proves how the Emerald Knight would be helpless against a surprising member of the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

All across the universe, members of the Green Lantern Corps are chosen for their massive willpower and the ability to overcome great fear. Though the organization had never accepted humans for thousands of years, Hal Jordan proved that Earthlings were just as capable of operating the Corps’ signature weapon: the Power Ring. Jordan’s indomitable willpower made him a fantastic Green Lantern, and he helped usher the Corps into a new era. Even after being possessed by an entity of fear, Jordan overcame his darkest moments and resumed his role as one of the best Lanterns to ever wear a ring.


Related: Green Lantern’s Ultimate Feat Proves There’s No Limit on His Power

Green Lantern’s Powers Don’t Work Against One Superpower

Green Lantern vs Space Ghost DC Comics

However, even the best ring-slinger may not be able to hold a candle to one Avenger. In Green Lantern/Space Ghost Special #1 by James Tynion IV and Ariel Olivetti, Hal Jordan is sent out into deep space to respond to a distress signal. All he manages to find, though, is the interstellar hero Space Ghost in battle with notoriously greedy Orange Lantern Larfleeze. Green Lantern intervenes, only for Space Ghost to assume Hal is a threat. The two engage in combat and wind up crashing onto a strange planet. After Green Lantern and Space Ghost manage to avoid the locals, they resume their fight with the latter managing to evade Hal’s constructs. Space Ghost’s intangibility allows him to avoid the best offense Green Lantern can muster. Even when Hal goes on the defense and forms a shield, Space Ghost effortlessly knocks him out with a concussive beam.

While Space Ghost is enough to make Hal sweat, he’d probably be in danger with the Avengers’ Vision as well. The synthezoid is well-known for his ability to phase through nearly anything as well as blast through objects with beams thanks to the solar gem on his head. Vision is considered one of the strongest members of the Avengers team. And sure, Green Lantern is no slouch on the Justice League. But when faced with someone who makes his constructs redundant, Jordan has few, if any, options in a fight.

Intangible Heroes Can Defeat Green Lantern in Seconds

Vision Intangibility Marvel Comics

There’s little doubt that Hal Jordan is adept at using a Power Ring. But the best constructs in the world don’t mean a thing if something like Vision’s phasing allows him to completely slip by them. All Hal could potentially do is put up his shields, but even in that case, all it takes is a force powerful enough to knock Green Lantern out cold and the fight is over. If Space Ghost could take on Hal, then there’s no way he’d be able to stand up to Vision.

Green Lantern may make some amazing constructs, but that doesn’t help when one Avenger can go right through them.

Next: Thor’s New Powers Make Him Marvel’s Lightning Green Lantern


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