Grimes Shares Post-Surgery Pic, Says New Album Was Finished in ‘Plastic Surgery Clinic’ – Billboard – Armessa Music News


Did Grimes actually go through with it? The singer who lives to provoke tweeted an image on Saturday of what appeared to be her face post-surgery with the caption, “I did smthn crazy!” In the snap, the singer’s head and chin were wrapped in surgical gauze and her face was swaddled in medical tape.



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In another tweet she also appeared to confirm that she’s finished her new album, and that the final touches were done in a very sterile environment. “Album is done we’re mixing. My friend and I. perfected the last song in the plastic surgery clinic cuz they wouldn’t let me leave and we were laughing that this was the most Hollywood moment of all time,” she wrote, noting that she has 20 songs banked so she might break it out into BOOK 1 and BOOK 2.

At press time no additional information was available on the album, though Grimes also said she’s currently deciding on the format and tracklist for the project. The work seems to be progressing during convalescence, with Grimes noting later, “just got a mix back for ‘the infinite assassin’ once my babies sleep I shall be checking mixes.”

Last month, Grimes revealed that two years ago she made an appointment with a plastic surgeon thinking she might want to “change things up in my mid 30s.” Then, Grimes, 34, explained that the body mods she had her heart set on were surgically implanted elf ears and cosmetic vampire teeth caps, asking fans on Twitter if anyone has “done elf ear mods with a good outcome?” Her query came with an admission that she was “scared about ear cartilage having a hard time healing,” specifically fretting that as a musician the surgery “seems risky,” even though she’s wanted elven ears her whole life.

And while we don’t yet know what, if any, body mods Grimes has had done, one person who had something to say about her plans was ex Tesla founder Elon Musk, who shares two young children with the singer. “The downside of elf ear surgery probably outweighs the upside,” he tweeted on August 16 in an unsolicited weigh-in on her plans.

Grimes has previously referred to her upcoming project as a “space opera,” with one of the songs slated for the collection described as a “soon-to-be-ubiquitous-banger” entitled “Sci-Fi” that she co-wrote with The Weeknd and his longtime producer, Illangelo.

See Grimes’ tweets below.

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