Hannah Dasher Renovates Her Heart In “Ugly Houses” Video @ Top40-Charts.com – Armessa Music News


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Firecracker country artist Hannah Dasher may be known for songs that make you laugh with jaw-droppingly witty songwriting, but last week, she showed fans a new dimension of her artistry with “Ugly Houses,” her most vulnerable song to date and a musical testament to her faith. Last night, Dasher premiered the song’s video on her YouTube channel.
Watch Dasher’s “Ugly Houses” video, here: youtu.be/FPfBzhXMmsc

Inspired by the common real estate signs proclaiming “We Buy Ugly Houses,” Dasher’s new song is a metaphor for the restoration and fixing-up that all humans need from time to time. The video, in part filmed in her Nashville home, is a visual representation of this message as Dasher renovates a run-down home, symbolic of how her faith has been renovating her life.

See what people are saying of the new track:

Must-Hear New Country Songs – Billboard

“Heartfelt and autobiographical” – Top40-Charts

Song of the Week – Whiskey Riff

“powerful vocals” – Wide Open Country

Delightful” – MusicRow

“Ugly Houses” is the second single released from Dasher’s forthcoming ‘The Other Damn Half’ record (due August 4th), the long-awaited follow up to her 2021 release ‘The Half Record.’

Dasher will share the new song during her live performance at the Grand Ole Opry this Saturday, June 3rd. For more information, visit hannahdasher.com.

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