Harry Styles Leads Round of Applause for Queen Elizabeth at MSG – Billboard – Armessa Music News


Harry Styles did his part to pay tribute to England’s late beloved monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, on Thursday night (Sept. 8) during his latest show at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Styles paused for a bit during the gig and informed the crowd, “From my homeland, there was some very sad news today: the passing of Queen Elizabeth II,” he said.



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“Please, join me in a round of applause for 70 years of service,” he told the 20,000-plus fans, who happily joined in as Harry clapped his hands high above his head, thanking the throng for their tribute. The Queen passed away on Thursday at Balmoral Castle in Scotland at age 96.

One of Styles’ musical heroes did the same on Thursday night at his final show in Toronto, remembering the “bloody hard” work Elizabeth did during her seven decades of royal service. “She was an inspiring presence to be around,” Elton John said, as images of the late royal lit up the big screens either side of the stage.

“She led the country through some of our greatest and darkest moments with grace and decency and genuine caring, and warmth. I’m 75 and she’s been with me all my life and I feel very sad that that she won’t be with me anymore, but I’m glad she’s at peace,” John continued.

Tributes to the Queen continue to pour in from artists inspired by her long reign and indomitable spirit, including an image of late rock icon David Bowie saluting a picture of the monarch, as well as Ellie Goulding, who posted side-by-side images of a young Elizabeth dancing and a more recent pic with the message, “Hard to imagine this country without you. I will tell [son] Arthur all about you, all the time.”

A respectful nod also came in from Paul McCartney, who wrote, “God bless Queen Elizabeth II. May she rest in peace. Long live the King.”

Watch fan video of the Styles memorial and some other tributes below.

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