Herschel Walker’s Ex-Girlfriend Says He Paid For Her Abortion- Armessa Music News


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Herschel Walker Campaigns For Senator Of Georgia With Nikki Haley

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Herschel Walker’s turbuluent Senate campaign has received a potentially serious blow as a former girlfriend revealed that he paid for her to have an abortion – and has detailed proof.

According to a detailed report from The Daily Beast on Monday night (Oct. 3), a woman (who chose not to disclose her identity) that was romantically involved with the former gridiron star claims that while they were dating in 2009, she became pregnant with his child. Once he found out, he urged her to get an abortion and that he reimbursed her for the cost after she went through with it. According to her, he felt that it was “not the right time” to have a child. She would find out later that Walker had another child earlier that year under the same circumstances.

Walker has since stated that the woman’s claims were a “flat-out lie” and went on Fox News to defend himself. His attorney has promised that there will be a lawsuit filed against the woman and The Daily Beast. The woman provided receipts from the situation which included a bank deposit receipt with an image of the $700 check Walker gave her for the procedure, along with a receipt from the clinic for $575 and a “get well” card with his signature.

The woman’s motive to come forward now with the information was fueled by the former Heisman Trophy winner’s extreme stance against abortion. “I just can’t with the hypocrisy anymore,” she said in the article. “We all deserve better.” Walker has declared his support of a “total ban” on abortion even in cases of rape and/or incest and threw his backing behind a proposal of a federal 15-week abortion restriction by GOP Senator Lindsay Graham that even other party members shied away from.

The report has conservatives feeling as if Walker won’t be able to recover from the news before the November midterm elections, as his campaign has already had serious issues. One such pundit, Erick Erickson sent a tweet out shortly after declaring that it could be a “K.O.” for his chances against incumbent Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock. The news also prompted Christian Walker, the football star’s son and noted conservative advocate, to blast his father shortly after. “He decided to give us the middle finger and air out all of his dirty laundry in public, while simultaneously lying about it,” he wrote on Twitter. Walker and Senator Warnock are scheduled to debate each other in Savannah on Friday, Oct. 14.


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– Armessa Music News


