Horror Fans Have Ideas for the Dumbest Crossovers Imaginable That Would Still Be Must-See- Armessa Movie News


Image via Universal Pictures/20th Century Studios

Horror crossovers have been done before, and some have emerged as masterful strokes of genius from the filmmaker gods. However, this article is not about that. Instead, think of two horror stories that have no business being together or even in the same world. How would that crossover look?

Lake Placid vs. Anaconda (2015) pitted two reptiles against each other, both of which were of enormous size and had fans taking sides on which one would win, the snake or its crocodile-like foe. Alien vs. Predator (2004) brought otherworldly creatures together to battle it out between them. Freddy vs. Jason (2003) was what slasher stans had been waiting for, it because those two guys knew how to frighten viewers out of their socks.

See the theme there? In each of these movies, it was a similar beast that would reasonably be matched up in the same way Dana White matches up opponents in the UFC. They had a reason to be in those movies together.

However, a recent Reddit thread challenged fans to think about horror mismatches. The result might lead to a comedy/horror but the weirder the better. And go!

With the success of M3GAN fresh in everyone’s mind, it’s only right that she pops up first, unless Scream VI has something to say about it.

Hellraiser and Saw easily qualify as an unequal match since one has demonic powers while Jigsaw is merely human, armed with a very twisted mind and a genius for torture.

Someone had the idea of the famed horror clown against the demonic one, the favorite of Leviathan himself.

And now the comedy comes to town. When you think about it, these two properties actually have a decent amount in common.

Then, a fan brings it back to a more serious take. Teachers infected by alien parasites up against Buffalo Bill. If they couldn’t win against the kids, how are they going to win against, “It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.”

This one definitely fits with the lot of weird answers. A murderous midget versus a serial killer who can catch the fastest runner despite the fact that he walks really slow.

This one poses a very good question:

Which is:

There are so many great horror films that don’t belong together. Maybe it’s time Hollywood takes a serious look at that and makes it happen.

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– Armessa Movie News


