How To Change Your Birthday On Snapchat & Limit Explained – Armessa Movie News


Snapchat does allow users to change their birthday, but there are some restrictions, including how many times it can be changed. Like many other apps and services, Snapchat allows users to set their birthday. Besides being a way to confirm the user is at least the minimum age to use Snapchat, there are some additional features available for those that declare their birthday. For example, Snapchat users can enable a ‘Birthday Party’ mode that also enables astrology-related Charms and adds a zodiac sign to the user’s profile.


Setting a birthday on Snapchat is fairly simple to do and can be completed directly within the Android and iOS apps. The user just needs to open the app and tap on their profile icon and then on the cog icon to access the Settings menu. In the settings, and under the ‘My Account’ section, there is a dedicated ‘Birthday’ tab. Once clicked, the user will be able to set their date of birth. In addition, this same setting can also be used to edit and change the date by tapping on the current birthday and updating it to the correct one.

Related: How To Find & Celebrate Friends’ Birthdays On Snapchat

Why Snapchat Won’t Let You Change Your Birth Year

While Snapchat does allow users to change their birthday, there are some conditions they need to keep in mind. In some circumstances, users may not be eligible to tweak this information at all once it’s been set. Users under 18 will not be able to change their birth year at all. Those over 18, on the other hand, cannot change their birth year to become younger than 18.

These measures are meant to protect underage users on the app, acting as a deterrent against users’ potential attempts to lie about their age upon signing up or after the fact. On a private account, it simply won’t work — but for those with a Public Profile, attempting to change a user’s birthdate so they’ll be under 18 has greater consequences. According to Snap, anyone 18 or older with a Public Profile who tries to do this will have their profile deleted.

Snapchat’s Birthday Change Limit

Snapchat half swipe on iphone

In the past, it might not have mattered which date a social media user set for their birthday. However, services are now taking community guidelines and user protections more seriously. For example, TikTok users are not able to manually change their birthday at all. Once it has been set, the birthday will remain the same on TikTok, even if it was accidentally or intentionally set incorrectly. On Snapchat, irrespective of how old someone is, they will not be able to change their birthday more than a limited number of times. Snapchat doesn’t specify how long that is, but generally, users should avoid changing their birthday unless strictly necessary.

In cases where the birthday has been changed too many times and the limit reached, there isn’t a lot the user can do. The limit is there to simply allow an incorrect birthdate to be changed to the correct one, and is not designed to make multiple changes. For those that have entered an incorrect birthday too many times, the only real option, other than deleting the account and opening a new one, is reaching out and contacting Snapchat to see if the team can manually make the date change.

Source: Snapchat


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