I Re-Watched The Social Network, And I’m So Mad Andrew Garfield Didn’t Get An Oscar Nomination- Armessa Movie News


When I think about iconic moments in modern cinematic history, one of the first scenes that pops into my mind is Andrew Garfield as Eduardo Saverin in The Social Network smashing Mark Zuckerberg’s laptop after he finds out his shares were diluted. It’s an epic climax to a thrilling film, and each time I watch the movie, I’m in awe of Garfield’s performance, both in that scene and throughout the entire project. So, you can imagine that when I found out he wasn’t nominated for an Oscar in 2011 I was more than shocked, I was livid. 

Thinking about Garfield’s role in The Social Network cast, his nuanced performance as the businessman and co-founder behind Facebook, and the actor’s overall history with the Academy, I couldn’t help but be gobsmacked by this oversight. This film is considered one of David Fincher’s best movies, and it deservingly received eight Oscar nominations. However, The Amazing Spider-Man star wasn’t one of them. It was a loss, a misjudgment, and incredibly maddening. 

(Image credit: Sony)

Andrew Garfield Beautifully Plays The Foil To Jesse Eisenberg’s Mark Zuckerberg


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