I Watched Arrival For The First Time, And The Ending Broke My Brain- Armessa Movie News


I’ve been told time and time again that Arrival is a masterpiece, and it’s one of the best sci-fi movies of all time. I have absolutely no reason for waiting seven years to watch this film. I love Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner. Denis Villeneuve also blew me away with Dune. I knew I’d like this movie, and I did, I adored it. What I wasn’t expecting was for the ending to break my brain, but I’m so happy it did, and we have to discuss it. 

(Image credit: Paramount Pictures)

What Happened At The End Of Arrival

Basically, the end of Arrival reveals that the alien’s language makes it so time is not linear, and you can see the future, or at least that’s how I understood it. There’s a pivotal scene in the movie after one of the aliens dies saving Louise and Ian, where Amy Adams’ character goes back to talk to the surviving creature. It reveals to her that they came to Earth to give the gift of time, or the ability to see into the future. This realization completely flipped my understanding of what I was watching on its head.


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