Israeli filmmaker Yahav Winner missing after defending wife and newborn baby during Hamas attack | News – Armessa Movie News


Israeli filmmaker Yahav Winner is missing after confronting Hamas terrorists who invaded his home during an attack on his village, Kfar Azza, in the south of Israel.

Winner disappeared on Saturday (October 7) after guarding the window of his family’s apartment to allow time for his wife, filmmaker Shaylee Atary, and their one-month old daughter Shaya, to escape from the attackers.

More than 700 people have been killed in Israel since Hamas launched its attacks on Saturday morning.

Winner’s short film The Boy won the best cinematography prize at this year’s Tel Aviv International Students Film Festival.

Atary had recently returned from the San Sebastian Film Festival where she had premiered her most recent film Single Light as part of the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera section. Her previous film Neurim premiered at Cannes in 2020 as part of the Cinefondation section and was sold to Arte France.

Israeli sales and distribution company Go2Films confirmed to Screen that Winner is missing.

Atary managed to escape her home with their baby amid the chaos, and has authorised Go2Films to speak on her behalf as part of a bid to find her husband. Atary and Winner’s home was taken over by the terrorists following the attack and she is without a computer or phone.

Atary said in conversation with Go2Films managing director, Hedva Goldschmidt, “When the terrorists came through the bedroom window, we didn’t even manage to say goodbye. We shared a look and decided that I’ll run away with the baby. Yahav held the window in front of the terrorists, so that Shaya and I could escape through the door. I am disabled, but I ran without my walking cane, with no shoes, and no phone.”

Atary went to hide in a storeroom. Later, a family who were hiding in their house recognised her through their CCTV cameras, and brought her inside, risking themselves since every cry of the baby led to additional bombings of the house.

Atary and their baby survived 26 hours, without water and food, while waiting for rescue as the area was under fire. They were eventually evacuated by Israeli Defense Forces rescue units to a hospital.

Atary and her daughter Shaya are now dealing with injuries, particularly from smoke inhalation, and are receiving medical attention.

Yahav Winner’s body was not found in the couple’s house, and he has not been traced in hospital records. Atary does not know what happened to him and asks anyone with information to contact her and the family. Winner has a tattoo on his right hand.

Go2Films said it is working closely with relevant authorities and doing everything in its power to support the search efforts for Yahav Winner.

In a statement, Go2Films said: “Winner’s disappearance adds to the growing list of missing individuals, and the gravity of the situation is felt deeply by his colleagues, friends, and the film community at large. As we await any news about his whereabouts, our hearts go out to his family, and we hope for his safe and swift return.

”Go2Films is working closely with relevant authorities and doing everything in our power to support the search efforts for Yahav Winner. We urge anyone with information to come forward and assist in locating him.”


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– Armessa Movie News


