James Cameron Stunned By The Similarities Between The Titanic & OceanGate Submersible – Armessa Movie News


Titanic director James Cameron is stunned by the similarities between the real-life tragedy that inspired his film and what happened to the OceanGate submersible. For a few days now, the world has been closely following the case of the missing submersible carrying private citizens for a trip to the Titanic wreckage. Despite the search and rescue efforts, it was determined early on Thursday, June 22, that the vessel imploded, leaving no survivors.


Countless people who are well-versed in the situation have been interviewed and gave their two cents. In a new conversation with ABC News, Cameron adds to the discussion. For context, not only did he direct Titanic, but the filmmaker is also a veteran ocean diving enthusiast who designs submersibles. He has made 33 dives to the shipwreck over the years as well, making his opinion about this tragedy not only interesting but also important. Read his full quote below:

“Many people in the [deep-submergence engineering] community were very concerned about this sub, and a number of you know of the top players in the community even wrote letters to the company, saying that what they were doing was too experimental to carry passengers and needed to be certified and so on. I’m struck by the similarity of the Titanic disaster itself, where the captain was repeatedly warned about ice ahead of his ship and yet he steamed at full speed into an ice field on a moonless night. And many people died as a result.

“And for a very similar tragedy, where warnings went unheeded to take place at the same exact site, with all the diving that’s going on all around the world. I think it’s just astonishing. It’s really quite surreal.”

OceanGate Submersible Tragedy Explained

The OceanGate submersible was first reported missing on June 18 after the vessel lost contact while in the middle of international waters in the North Atlantic Ocean. The submersible was carrying five people and was on a tourist expedition to the wreck of the Titanic, which lies around 12,500 feet below sea level. Soon after the submersible was deemed lost, joint efforts led by the United States Coast Guard, United States Navy, and Canadian Coast Guard started their mission to locate the craft.

Over the next few days, the world closely followed the search for the OceanGate submersible. That’s when the truth about the actual craft used for the expedition came to light. As Cameron mentioned, there were multiple people who voiced their concerns over the safety of the craft and the trip. Unfortunately, just like what happened to the infamous Titanic, the warnings fell on deaf ears, which resulted in a catastrophe that could have been easily prevented.

Moving forward, it’s safe to say that this OceanGate submersible incident will still be discussed. It’s curious if the Titanic director will have more to say about the matter, but if there’s one thing that people take away from it, it will hopefully be his reminder that warnings shouldn’t be ignored. Otherwise, tragedies like this will continue to happen.

Source: ABC News


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