Jamie Foxx’s Daughter Says Actor Has Been Out of Hospital ‘For Weeks’ – Billboard – Armessa Music News


It’s been a month since Jamie Foxx‘s daughter revealed that the 55-year-old actor/singer had been hospitalized for an undisclosed “medical complication,” and on Friday (May 12), Corinne Fox gave fans a positive update.



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In response to reports that Jamie’s family is “preparing for the worst,” Corinne took to her Instagram Stories to deny the rumors. “Update from the family: Sad to see how the media runs wild,” the 29-year-old media personality wrote. “My Dad has been out of the hospital for weeks, recuperating. In fact, he was playing pickleball yesterday! Thanks for everyone’s prayers and support!”

She added that they have “an exciting work announcement” coming in the next week. See her Stories before they disappear here.

At press time there was still no additional information available about what the undisclosed “medical complication” was that sent Foxx to the hospital in April, or what treatment he received and a spokesperson had not returned requests for comment. Foxx has been filming Back in Action with Cameron Diaz in Atlanta and a source told CNN that the medical incident didn’t take place on the set and Foxx was not transported to the hospital by EMS. It was unknown at press time if Foxx had wrapped his portion of the shoot before the incident.

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