Jeremy Renner Continues Proving He’s a Real-Life Superhero by Hitting It Hard in the Gym- Armessa Movie News


Photo by Kayla Oaddams/WireImage

Jeremy Renner almost died on New Year’s Day 2023 after a horrific accident left him with catastrophic injuries to his entire body. The Hawkeye actor was driving his snowplow when it began to skid on some ice. Renner said he immediately became concerned for the safety of his nephew, and looked back to see if he was in the path of the plow.

After he left the vehicle it continued to move, and when he tried to jump back in he was run over himself, leaving him with more than 30 broken bones (including a cracked skull), a collapsed skull and a pierced liver. Renner was rushed to hospital and soon regained consciousness, though now has multiple titanium rods holding his skeleton together, received reconstructive facial surgery, and needed to undergo hours of daily physiotherapy to regain full motion.

But now, six months on from the accident, he seems to be doing a lot better. Renner posted a video of him working out in his gym, saying that “some days” he feels better but is “elated” to be alive:

Renner also thanked fans for their support, saying he’s been overwhelmed by the reaction to his recovery. Naturally, all this means he’s unlikely to be playing any major action roles for a while, though we wouldn’t be surprised to see him one day return as Hawkeye in the MCU to cap off Clint Barton’s long-running arc.

Whatever else the future holds for Renner, it’s good to see him recovering and that he’s regaining movement and strength. Here’s hoping this continues and he’ll pick up the bow and arrow once again.

About the author

David James

David James

London-based writer about everything and anything. Willing to crawl over rusty nails to write about Metal Gear Solid or Resident Evil.

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– Armessa Movie News


