Jim Ryan Claims Developers Are Not Fans of Xbox Game Pass- Armessa Music News


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Jim Ryan Claims Developers Are Not Fans of Xbox Game Pass

Source: Chesnot / Getty / Xbox Game Pass

Xbox Game Pass is regarded as the best value in gaming, but according to PlayStation boss Jim Ryan, many developers are not fans of what many regards as the Netflix of video games.

Plenty of tea has been spilled during the evidentiary hearing between the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Microsoft. Typically, we wouldn’t know the details from such a hearing. Still, the video game community is deeply invested, which could determine if Xbox’s acquisition of Activision/Blizzard will happen.

If you are deeply entrenched in video game Twitter, there has been a treasure trove of information from this hearing. Most recently, Jim Ryan claimed Xbox Game Pass is not a hit with many developers because it is “value destructive.:

Per IGN:

“I talked to all the publishers, and they unanimously do not like Game Pass because it is value destructive,” Ryan said during his testimony.

Just before that, Ryan claimed Game Pass is unprofitable for Microsoft. “The Game Pass business model appears to have some challenges, and Microsoft appears to be losing a lot of money on it,” Ryan said.

According to the website, when asked for comment following Ryan’s claims, Xbox pointed to an Xbox News Wire directly following this year’s Xbox Games Showcase that every game shown at the event was from a developer who has previously dropped a video game on the service.

There Is Some Truth To Jim Ryan’s Claims About Xbox Game Pass

While Ryan didn’t name names, Dino Patti, the co-founder of Playdead and Jumpship, did claim that his studios’ game Somerville saw its sales take a hit due to Xbox Game Pass in an interview with Video Games SI, according to GameSpot.

Per GameSpot:

“I also think it hurts sales. Because a lot of people just go in and try it, and they don’t invest. If they don’t like the first 10 minutes? That’s it. Also, if you don’t make the first 10 minutes amazing, maybe it’s also a problem. I think [Game Pass] is okay. It’s not my favorite. My favorite is the old premium model, where I sell you on some video, on big images and earn your $30. And then after that, I have to deliver. I don’t need to get money out of you later.”

At the same time, Ryan’s take could come off as hypocritical because his company has launched something similar to Xbox Game Pass with its new PlayStation Plus tiered subscription model that does offer some games to subscribers on day one.

We are intrigued to see how this Activision/Blizzard fiasco will play out for Xbox as Jim Ryan continues to play the hater.

Photo: Chesnot / Getty


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– Armessa Music News


