Juliana Hatfield Releases Second Single ‘Can’t Get It Out Of My Head’ From Forthcoming ELO Covers Album @ Top40-Charts.com – Armessa Music News


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Juliana Hatfield drops the second single and first video from the forthcoming album Juliana Hatfield Sings ELO, with the release of “Can’t Get It Out Of My Head.”
Directed by David Doobinin, a frequent visual/artistic collaborator, he drew inspiration from French photographer Gilbert Garcin whose dreamlike black and white images play with light, shadow and cutouts.
“I created cutout versions of Juliana to create layered, architectural visuals. I wanted the video to capture that restless, ‘caught between two worlds’ experience we all feel sometimes, while also highlighting Juliana’s raw and poetic nature, and how she embodies both awkwardness and grace,” explains David.
“David is really good at capturing my discomfort in front of cameras, and in the world,” says Juliana. “Making it all into interesting, moving imagery works great in the context of this song about longing to escape reality into some otherworldly realm.”

In May, the latest addition to her covers series project was announced with her “more bubbly” version of the ELO classic “Don’t Bring Me Down.” Her previous covers projects include Juliana Hatfield Sings Olivia Newton-John (2018) and Juliana Hatfield Sings The Police (2019).

Juliana Hatfield Sings ELO is available for pre-order on CD, cassette, LP (4 color options), and a limited edition 7-inch featuring 2 non-album tracks (“I’m Alive” and “When I Was A Boy“).

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