Kevin Bacon Reacts To Those Rumors About Playing Freddy Krueger In Nightmare On Elm Street- Armessa Movie News


The last time we saw Freddy Krueger was back in the poorly-received 2010 remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street. Fans might have a chance to see their favorite slasher villain again if a revival were to come to fruition. After casting rumors came about that Kevin Bacon could be the new bladed-gloved villain, the actor had a few words to say about that.

Kevin Bacon has been showing his face in recent horror films like You Should Have Left and They/Them. Now that there are casting rumors that the Footloose actor could be the next Freddy Krueger, he’s expressed to ScreenRant while promoting his role in the action-thriller One Way about having an openness to the part, saying:

Never say never. I mean, I say, ‘Never say never,’ but I really do follow that. There’s very few things that I go, ‘Nah, nah.’ You just never know.


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