M3GAN Real Or Animated? All The Deets About The Internet’s Popular Doll- Armessa Movie News


January is usually a slow time at the box office, but luckily, we have M3GAN to keep us all entertained. The movie about a homicidal robotic doll, while not becoming an absolute blockbuster has been a decent money maker and M3GAN has received somewhat surprisingly positive reviews from critics as well as fans. More importantly perhaps, the internet loves her, but just what is M3GAN?

Part of the intrigue surrounding M3GAN as a character is that it’s less than clear just how the movie made her work. It’s not that M3GAN does anything particularly unique or surprising, but it’s able to blur the lines enough that we can’t always tell if we’re dealing with something real or CGI. As it turns out, M3GAN is a little bit of everything. 

M3GAN The Doll 


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