M3GAN’s Director Was ‘Bummed Out’ The Viral Dance Scene Was In The Trailer, But I Disagree Completely- Armessa Movie News


January used to be a dumping ground for movies that studios had little faith in. Titles would be buried under the wave of the big holiday movie, or the slew of awards contenders that were jockeying for attention. Then one day, studio executives woke up to the fact that moviegoers want to see good films in theaters all year round, and so better movies – like this weekend’s surprising horror hit M3GAN – started arriving at the top of the calendar, and posting impressive numbers at the box office. The film might not rank as one of the best horror movies ever made. But M3GAN understood its audience, and played directly to them. Which is why I respectfully disagree with M3GAN director Gerard Johnstone about one of the movie’s most memorable scenes showing up in the trailer. 

The scene in question has been a viral meme on social media for weeks. It shows the A.I. doll M3GAN breaking out into a strange dance as she confronts someone in a long hallway. The dance includes arm waving, and a somersault, and it’s very funny… both in and out of context. But while speaking with Digital Spy, director Gerard Johnstone expressed disappointment over the M3GAN marketing team putting that moment in the trailers for the film, claiming:

I was really worried when I saw the trailer and saw how much dancing it was, I was like, ‘Oh my god, you’re giving it away and you’ve got to cut.’ I did want it to be a surprise. I wanted it to be a really fun surprise. Luckily, we’ve had two screenings and I’ve been able to sit in a room and see people genuinely react for the first time not knowing what they’re going to see. So I was a little bit bummed out, but you’ve got to market the movie, and it was fun to see that it was able to be recut and embraced.


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