Manchester City ace Erling Haaland wants to get Oasis back together – Music News – Armessa Music News


Erling Haaland thinks he can get Oasis back together.

The Manchester City ace – who smashed the record for Premier League goals in a season as he helped the club win another title during his first campaign in England – is now setting his sights on another monumental task as he suggested he could convince sibling rivals Liam and Noel Gallagher to reunite.

Asked if he could convince the two City superfans to reform the Britpop group, he told Viaplay: “Maybe they need a Norwegian peacemaker to get them together.”

Last month, the 23-year-old striker posed in his underwear alongside Noel in the City dressing room, and Liam is keen to get Haaland on stage with him.

On the topic of joining the brothers as a third singer, he quipped: “That’s a good question. Yeah of course I can be, doens’t mean I will be, but of course I can be.”

The ‘Wonderwall’ hitmakers split in the summer of 2009, following a backstage bust-up between the frontman and guitarist.

Liam, 50, has been calling for an Oasis reunion for years but Noel has repeatedly shot the idea down.

However, the 55-year-old musician recently raised the hopes of fans when he urged his younger sibling to “get his people to call my people”.

Speaking in a radio interview in France on France Inter, he said: “There’s something in the papers back in England today.

“[Liam] should get his people to call my people; they know who they are, they know where we are. Stop talking on the f****** internet, and let’s see what you’ve got to say.”

The reporter then asked if that’s all it would take to reunite Oasis, to which he replied: “You would think, right? You would think. He’s got my number, he’s got my manager’s number, call us. But you know what? He won’t call.”


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