Mark Hamill Gives Us a Glimpse at Life When The Cameras Weren’t Rolling On ‘Star Wars’- Armessa Movie News


Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Can we all agree that Mark Hamill is a national treasure, and he must be protected? An active Twitter user, Hamill is always willing to share his story, and over the course of his more than 50 year career, he’s somehow managed to stay grounded.

Known best for his iconic turn as Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars saga, Hamill has shared some of the most interesting factoids surrounding our favorite galaxy far, far away over the years. Now it looks like the actor is sharing again, and this time he’s talking a little bit more about what life was like when George Lucas wasn’t calling action.

Or should we say; “Faster, more intense.

Check out that outfit. Taken by his the late, great Carrie Fisher — the photo proves this guy sure knows how to work a camera.

Can we address how casually he mentioned seeing “the Stones” concert? As in The Rolling Stones? It wasn’t enough to play in one of the most iconic movies of all time, no, he had time to see one of the most iconic bands of all time while he was doing it. We’ll admit we’re jealous.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time Mark Hamill has re-posted a throwback. Last week he graced our eyeballs with a pretty kickass photo of himself and friend Harrison Ford.

It’s clear that Mark Hamill has had quite the life, and no one could be more deserving. With any luck, he’ll be around posting vintage pictures on the internet for years to come.

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– Armessa Movie News


