Melbourne’s Suburban Spell Shows Some Things Are Truly Black & White On ‘Natural Science’, Final Single From ‘Falling Down’ EP (Out June 23) @ – Armessa Music News


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) As he gears up to release his new ‘Falling Down’ EP, Melbourne-based synthwave artist Suburban Spell unveils the video for his latest single ‘Natural Science’, following the lead track ‘Bright Gold Cross’.

‘Natural Science’ is a statement on the weight of scientific evidence and the powerful push by doubters to challenge such knowledge based on baseless contradictory viewpoints. This song is so named in reference to the long-term outcomes of bad choices and giving into guilty pleasures.

Videos for both tracks were created by Dingo Cross Films in Melbourne, being produced and directed by Paul Puccio and Cassie Dart.

Suburban Spell is the solo project of Peter Endall, who combines the austere beauty of Kraftwerk, 80’s melodic sensibilities, driving rhythms and some noisy grind thrown in for good measure. Influenced by the heyday of new wave and 70’s-80’s electronica, this music carries the beautiful imprints of such artists as Ultravox, OMD, Visage, Jean-Michel Jarre, The Cars, Gary Numan and New Order.

Peter’s previous band Schizo Scherzo was active in the heady days of Melbourne’s 80’s music scene, playing alongside such acts such as The Eurythmics, Pseudo Echo, Real Life and Fergal Sharky. Having re-emerged on the music scene as Suburban Spell, he has found his niche in modern Australian electronica.

“The concept behind ‘Natural Science’ was written about the baffling science deniers who gained a lot of momentum during the Covid 19 pandemic. How documented facts from the world’s leading institutions were flatly rejected, based on a belief system that didn’t align with a particular view point, coupled with selective research to echo whatever that belief system was.” says Peter Endall.

“When that mind-set becomes a natural way of thinking, it’s very difficult to offer an alternative view point, and Natural Science appears to be denied. I don’t want to sound all knowing and it’s good to challenge the accepted science, however I believe there are immutable laws of science that are irrefutable), what I call Natural Science.”

Suburban Spell’s music is a commentary on the fragility of suburban lifestyle, never-ending efforts to keep up appearances, and an exploration of society’s dark and fragile underbelly. This music is also a commentary about Endall’s own vulnerabilities in the urban landscape and the wider societal norms that interlace with politics, religion and pop culture.

The new EP follows the ‘Split Levels – Remixes’ EP (February 2023), a series of reworkings of his acclaimed ‘Split Levels’ album, involving goth-rock / post-punk legend William Faith (Christian Death, Mephisto Walz, Shadow Project, Faith & The Muse, The Bellwether Syndicate), along with New Zealand’s Robots In Love, Australia’s Ontic, Pittsburgh’s Tragic Impulse and Italian artist Kurs.

‘Natural Science’ is out now and available from fine digital platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music and Bandcamp, where the ‘Falling Down’ EP can already be ordered ahead of its June 23 release.

“Catchy hooks and delicate synth lines that soar… Stunning, deep, beautiful” ~ Auxiliary Magazine

“Fantastic… driving, propulsive, and unfiltered, examining the experience of “signing up to a life of suburbia at an early age, only to realise many years later that the suburban dream is all a fabrication”” ~

“Catchy melodies and a subtle touch of old Xymox and New Order … Recommended” ~ Sonic Seducer

“Shimmering, smoothly frantic… freewheeling but taut… elusive but striking… one of our favorite records of the year” ~ Stereo Embers Magazine


1 Falling Down

2 Salvation Army

3 Bright Gold Cross

4 12 Causes of Pain

5 Natural Science

6 Side Car

Written, produced and recorded by Suburban Spell

Mixed by Adam Calatzis at Toyland Studios,

except ‘Salvation Army’ – mixed by Alex Quayle of Salt Studios

Mastering by Joe Carra at Crystal Mastering

Video created by Dingo Cross Films

Video produced and directed by Paul Puccio and Cassie Dart

Video stills by Paul Puccio (DCF Studios)

Other artists photos by Kristen Solury

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