Moby’s hero-worship of David Bowie: ‘ I wanted to fall on floor like Mike Myers in Wayne’s World when he meets Alice Cooper’ – Music News – Armessa Music News


Moby wanted to fall on the floor and worship David Bowie when they played the icon’s ‘Heroes’ track in his living room.

The dance hitmaker, 57, became such good friends with the singer before his death aged 69 from liver cancer on 10 January 2016 they went on holidays together, but Moby admitted he ended up feeling like Mike Myers’ character in ‘Wayne’s World’ when he met his hero Alice Cooper in the film.

He told Metro’s 60 Seconds column: “He was my favourite musician of all time. I used to work just long enough to save money to buy his albums. When we became friends, ostensibly we were peers, but then again very ostensibly because he was David Bowie – and I was not.

“But we were neighbours, we went on tour together, we had holidays together. I tried to keep it together but the entire time we were working on music together, like when we played ‘Heroes’ on acoustic guitar together in my living room, I wanted to fall on the floor like Mike Myers in ‘Wayne’s World’ does when he meets Alice Cooper.”

Moby – born Richard Melville Hall –  also admitted he has been made so paranoid by the ‘Mr Robot’ series he has disabled all his cameras out of fear he is being spied on.

He said: “Did you watch the TV show ‘Mr Robot?’ There was a recurring plot point where their computers get hacked and people are spying on them through their cameras.

“So I disabled all my phone and laptop cameras, and now I can’t figure out how to turn them back on.”

He also admitted the reason he collaborates with so many musicians is he thinks his voice is “average”.

Moby said: “When I was really young, like seven, I wanted to be a great singer, but when I started playing in bands I learned pretty quickly that I’m an average B-minus singer at best.

“I learned during the late Eighties and early Nineties that if I wanted to have beautiful, interesting and diverse voices on my records, I’d have to work with other singers.

“And I’ve worked with hundreds of them – everyone from Ozzy Osbourne and Britney Spears to David Bowie.”


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