Most Heartbreaking Taylor Swift Song After Joe Alwyn Breakup – Billboard – Armessa Music News


Taylor Swift has been a love song pro her whole career, capturing every stage of a relationship — from the innocent crush to the falling in love to the devastating heartbreak. But the cuts feel a little deeper now, after reports emerged that Swift and her longtime boyfriend Joe Alwyn have split after six years of dating.



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“The relationship had just run its course. It’s why [Alwyn] hasn’t been spotted at any shows,” a source told ET earlier this month. Billboard has since reached out to representatives for Swift and Alwyn, but had not received a response. The couple has yet to publicly reveal the status of their relationship.

We are equally as heartbroken as the Swifties here at Billboard, which is why we compiled 13 of the most heartbreaking Taylor Swift songs to revisit post-Alwyn.

We want to know which song from this list tugs at your heartstrings a little extra given recent news. Let us know by voting below.

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