Move over, ‘Cocaine Bear’: ‘Crackcoon’ is gunning for horror’s drug-fueled critter crown- Armessa Movie News


Horror is famous – or infamous, depending on how you feel about it – for jumping on any noteworthy bandwagon and churning out a slew of subpar successors. The decision to reinvent children’s favorites as blood-soaked slashers is the latest, but it’s happening at the same time as the success of Cocaine Bear has given rise to the likes of Crackcoon.

What’s better than a bear doing so much cocaine that it decides to go on a murderous rampage? Why, the answer is obviously a raccoon ingesting a designer synthetic drug abandoned in the woods by a dealer being chased by the police, which then transforms the critter into a killing machine with an unquenchable thirst for human flesh.


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– Armessa Movie News


