New Herschel Walker Abortion Accuser Steps Forward- Armessa Music News


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Georgia's Republican Senate Candidate Herschel Walker Campaigns In Macon

Source: Jessica McGowan / Getty

Another woman has come forward to accuse Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker of coercing her to have an abortion years ago, calling him a “hypocrite” for his anti-abortion stance.

The woman made her claims at a press conference on Wednesday (Oct. 26) held in Los Angeles, California. The event was convened by lawyer Gloria Allred, who is representing the unidentified woman. “I don’t believe Herschel is morally fit to be a U.S. senator, and that is the reason I am speaking up and providing proof,” she said, appearing at the conference via Zoom with a blank screen to protect herself from threats and reprisals.

Referred to as Jane Doe, she detailed how she had an affair with the former Heisman Trophy winner while he was still married to his first wife Cindy Grossman in 1987 until 1993 when the alleged abortion occurred. She stated that Walker gave her money to pay for the procedure in Dallas, where they both lived, but she left the clinic after becoming overcome with emotion. “I left the clinic in tears. When I told Herschel what had happened, he was upset and said that he was going to go back with me to the clinic the next day for me to have the abortion,” she said.

Allred shared with reporters several items that Jane Doe had from her relationship with Walker which includes letters from him to her parents, and a voicemail that he left her while in France for the Winter Olympics in 1992 where he allegedly professes his love for her. When asked by reporters if her client had a receipt from the clinic like the woman who first came forward against Walker did, the lawyer replied: “We are not going to address other exhibits we have or don’t have.”

Moments before the press conference began, Herschel Walker addressed the new allegations at a campaign stop in northeast Georgia calling it “foolishness.” Jane Doe said she was motivated to come forward after seeing that Walker had “publicly taken the position that he is ‘about life’ and against abortion under any circumstances when, in fact, he pressured me to have an abortion.” She also said that political leanings weren’t a factor, stating that she is a registered independent who voted twice for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020.


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– Armessa Music News


