Nick Fury Is More Than a Smart-Ass in ‘Secret Invasion’ – Armessa Movie News


The last time we saw Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, his role in Spider-Man: Far From Home revealed that the superspy was actually quite far from home himself. That Nick Fury wasn’t the real Nick Fury. It was Talos (Ben Mendelsohn) using his Skrull shapeshifting ability to pose as Fury while he took a vacation on the S.A.B.E.R. Space Station. In the new Disney+ series, Secret Invasion, Fury returns after being alerted of a sinister threat in need of immediate attention.

Our own Perri Nemiroff recently got the chance to sit down with Jackson and co-star Olivia Colman who’s making her MCU debut as MI6 agent Sonya Falsworth, to talk about their on-set and in-series relationships. Through some unexpected introspection, Colman reflects on what may be her character’s greatest weakness, and Jackson discusses working with series director Ali Selim and how Colman helped him explore new facets of Nick Fury as a scene partner.


Secret Invasion also sees the return of Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill, Martin Freeman as Everett Ross, and introduces Kingsley Ben-Adir as Gravik, the leader of a rogue faction of Skrulls, as well as Emilia Clarke as Talos’ daughter, G’iah. Check out Perri’s interview in the video above or read the conversation in transcript form below.

Image via Disney+

PERRI NEMIROFF: Sam, you have had the opportunity to work on Nick Fury with a number of incredible directors over the years. What is something about Ali [Selim] that stands out and maybe helped you tap into something new that you’ve never accessed in him before?

SAMUEL L. JACKSON: Interestingly enough, when I first started this, Ali was one of two directors. I met with him and then I met with the other director, and the next day, the other director had quit. [Laughs]

OLIVIA COLMAN: Was it you? [Laughs]

JACKSON: I have no idea what I said to him! I asked my assistant, I said, “Did I say something to the dude that scared him or what?” But I think it’s great that Ali stuck and even greater that they allowed him to direct all the episodes. It gave us a consistency of a concept that he had for what he wanted the show to be, so he was able to shape it in that particular way, or convince us that we were shaping it in a way that was our way but turned out to be his way.

Olivia, I always love asking this type of question for a character who pops on screen with so much confidence and authority. What do you think Sonya thinks her greatest asset is at the beginning of the season, but then also what do you think she fears is her greatest weakness?


JACKSON: Some of them are smart. [Laughs]

I appreciate that!

COLMAN: You’re making me actually concentrate. It’s just really difficult! Greatest asset at the beginning, I think she thinks that no one’s gonna get the better of her. I think she’s really on it. She knows what’s happening. [To Jackson] She knows you’re there. I think she kind of feels like she knows everything. What did you say about the second part?

Olivia Colman as Sonya Falsworth in Secret Invasion
Image via Disney+

This is the one I’m more curious about, her greatest weakness, or what she thinks her own greatest weakness could be.

COLMAN: Oh my god! I mean, this is in-depth stuff that I never thought about when I was actually filming it! Maybe she has allowed her feelings to come to the surface a bit, which is something she’s not used to. I think. Potentially she thinks that might be a weakness.

I like that answer. It makes me even more eager to see the rest of the season.

JACKSON: She has a level of sentimentality for Fury that she doesn’t have for other people for some reason.

COLMAN: Yes, and she’s cross, so she’s got that.

Speaking of that dynamic and also because you two are some of my favorite working actors in this business, I love asking this question in general, but to be able to pose it to the two of you makes me very happy right now; can you each tell me something about the other as a scene partner that you really appreciated and maybe helped you crush something that was super challenging in a particular scene of the show?

COLMAN: I was nervous coming in, joining, you know, when you’re sort of the new girl, and I’ve got to say, the second I laid eyes on Sam, [he] was just loud and warm, and we giggled straight away. And I said it before today, but a big hand on my shoulder went, “We’re gonna have so much fun!” The generosity and the kindness to allow someone to come in and to sense, you know, “I’ve done this. I’ve been here. I know all these guys, and I’m gonna take you in.” It was beautiful, and it meant that I could do my thing, and you did your thing. We trusted each other. Many people wouldn’t have been as kind, maybe, or didn’t need to be as kind, and it was very welcoming.

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in 'Secret Invasion'
Image via Disney+

I love those vibes.

COLMAN: Beautiful person.

JACKSON: My concept of going into a scene with most people, all the time, is that we have a plan. We rehearsed it once, and the planned spontaneity is there. It’s supposed to be spontaneous. We don’t know what we’re gonna say to each other, but it’s planned spontaneity, and she surprised me with the level of sincerity and care that she gave this guy, even though she was telling him he was flawed, and it allowed me to find some other place to go with Nick Fury other than that, you know, smart-ass stuff that he always comes up with.

Secret Invasion premieres on Disney+ beginning June 21st. Check out Perri’s interview with Ben Mendelsohn below!


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