Nightwing’s Anti-Batman Contingency Plan Confirms Bruce Has Finally Gone Too Far – Armessa Movie News



  • Batman’s war with Catwoman is intensifying, and he has resorted to kidnapping and conditioning Red Hood.
  • Nightwing finds Batman’s remote system and tries to access it, but is interrupted by Damian Wayne.
  • Nightwing’s vow from the past, the same one he made when he became a crime-fighter, is used as an audible passphrase and serves as a painful reminder of Batman’s destructive behavior.

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Batman #138!If fans didn’t think the Dark Knight was losing it, Nightwing’s unexpected anti-Batman contingency might make them think otherwise. “Gotham War” is intensifying and a vow from the past makes a heartbreaking return.

In Batman #138 by Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez, Bruce has gone beyond the pale during his war with Catwoman. He’s kidnapped Jason Todd and conditioned him to experience fear whenever his adrenaline gets too high, rendering him unable to fight. To aid the Bat-Family’s search for Red Hood, Nightwing finds Batman’s remote system and attempts to access it before he’s interrupted by Damian Wayne.

Thankfully, Tim Drake gives Nightwing the time he needs to access Batman’s remote system and figure out what he’s up to. Unfortunately, it requires an audible passphrase that Bruce entrusted to Dick Grayson: The same vow Nightwing swore the day he pledged to become a crime-fighter. Before Nightwing can finish the phrase, Batman does it for him. He chews his former sidekick out, saying that Dick has forgotten the promise he made long ago. Nightwing, however, says that it’s Batman that’s gone too far, only to be proven right when Dick discovers the awful conditioning Batman has done to Red Hood.

Nightwing’s Vow Returns to Help Dick Stop Batman

Nightwing Recites Vow DC

Things are rapidly going to hell for Nightwing and the rest of the Bat-Family. Catwoman embarked on a new venture to save Gotham by training low-level criminals to become skilled cat burglars like her, an effort that’s seen a sizable reduction in crime. However, Batman vehemently opposed the plan, sending him on a crusade to dismantle Selina’s operation. As the war in Gotham intensified, Batman became more brutal taking down Catwoman’s operatives and Bruce’s closest allies as he’s been egged on by his dark backup personality, the Batman of Zur-En-Arrh.

Hearing the vow Nightwing swore so long ago once again is a painful sign of just how messed up things are right now in the Bat-Family. Batman is seriously unwell and doing things that he ordinarily never world. Batman gave Nightwing access to Bruce’s remote system because he knew he could trust Dick to stop him if Batman ever went too far. Nightwing takes his vow as seriously as he did the first day he said it and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to stop Bruce. Even if that means fracturing his relationship with his old mentor for good.

Nightwing’s Vow Symbolizes the Bat-Family’s Destruction

Batman and Nightwing Vow DC

When Nightwing was brought in as Batman’s sidekick, he promised that he would fight against crime and corruption. It’s only fitting that the code that allows Dick access to Batman’s system is the same vow he said as a child. Right now, something is corrupting the Dark Knight, and Dick has to do whatever he can to stop him. Nightwing and his family are at a major crossroads as Batman starts losing himself to his backup persona. The vow isn’t just an apropos passphrase, it’s a somber reminder that if Nightwing has to, he has no choice but to take down Batman for his crimes. Batman #138 is on sale now.


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