No Way Home’s Ending Means Marvel Can Fix Homecoming’s Mistake – Armessa Movie News


Spider-Man: Homecoming’s confusing end-credits sequence setting up Mac Gargan’s Scorpion can be fixed using Spider-Man: No Way Home’s ending.

The confusing effects of Spider-Man: Homecoming’s end-credits scene can be rectified using the ending of Spider-Man: No Way Home. The end of the latter saw the character of Spider-Man all but soft-rebooted in the MCU by having everyone forget the existence of Peter Parker. While Spider-Man still exists, as do the MCU residents’ memories of the web-slinger, it is as though Peter Parker never lived.

This ending was brought about by a spell from Doctor Strange, with Peter insisting the spell is the only way to stop the multiversal incursion that was threatened by Peter’s open identity as Spider-Man. In having everyone in the multiverse forget Peter’s identity as Spider-Man, the character’s potential is wide open for the MCU’s Spider-Man 4. This can extend to rectifying an element of Spider-Man’s first MCU outing, Spider-Man: Homecoming, that is yet to be brought up years after the film’s release.


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No Way Home’s Ending Rectifies Homecoming’s Confusing Mid-Credits

Spider-Man No Way Home Ending Spell Doctor Strange SR

This element in question is the mid-credits scene of Spider-Man: Homecoming, in which the film sets up Mac Gargan finding out Spider-Man’s secret identity from Adrian Toomes. While the scene makes perfect sense, the lack of payoff in the MCU at the start of Phase 5 makes it slightly confusing. Many thought that Toomes was either lying about not knowing Peter’s identity to exact revenge himself or that Gargan would eventually break him down and find out, setting up a Spider-Man and Scorpion conflict in the future.

However, the lack of Gargan’s MCU presence and the endlessly confusing inclusion of Vulture in Morbius Sony’s Spider-Man universe has made the post-credits scene seem like an afterthought that will be simply forgotten. That said, the ending of Spider-Man: No Way Home offers the perfect way for Marvel Studios to bring Michael Mando’s Mac Gargan back into the fold and fix any lasting confusion caused by the scene. With everyone in the MCU forgetting Peter Parker exists, Spider-Man 4 could reveal two scenarios. One could be that Toomes gave up Parker’s identity to Gargan, only to be forgotten due to the effects of Strange’s spell.

The other possibility is that Toomes was sucked into Sony’s universe before he could tell Gargan Spider-Man’s identity. Either option would clear any confusion regarding why Gargan has not come back for revenge against Spider-Man. While the second possibility could have been written into Spider-Man 4 regardless of Spider-Man: No Way Home’s ending, the first offers a way to tie Spider-Man’s first MCU trilogy to whatever comes next for the character.

Mac Gargan Would Still Hold A Grudge With Spider-Man

Mac Gargan Spider-Man Homecoming

If the first possibility were made true for Spider-Man 4, Mac Gargan would still hold a grudge against Spider-Man due to the rules established in Spider-Man: No Way Home’s ending. It is clear from the scene with Happy Hogan at Aunt May’s grave, alongside the Spider-Man references in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, that MCU residents still remember that Spider-Man is a hero, just not who is beneath the mask. As Spider-Man was responsible for injuring Gargan and his incarceration, the villain would still hold a grudge against the friendly neighborhood superhero.

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Scorpion Being Spider-Man 4’s Villain Makes Perfect Thematic Sense

Spider-Man No Way Home Mac Gargan

Gargan returning as Scorpion to exact his revenge against Spider-Man would make perfect thematic sense for Spider-Man 4. Not only would it capitalize on the mid-credits scene of Spider-Man: Homecoming that teased Scorpion, but it would also increase the emotional context of the film in terms of Peter’s character. It would make sense for Peter’s main emotional arc to be him learning to adjust to his new life and overcome the trauma that would likely come from everyone forgetting he exists. It would also make sense for Peter to want to distance himself from elements of his old life to not remind himself of what he has lost.

Gargan’s reemerging then would provide the perfect emotional conflict to make Peter’s journey more sympathetic. Additionally, Gargan would undoubtedly remind Peter of his old life and bring up unsavory memories that Peter could be trying to forget. This would further Peter’s emotional journey and fit the age-old arc of Spider-Man in doing what is right because he can go through with fighting Scorpion. All of this shows how Spider-Man: No Way Home’s Doctor Strange spell and the game-changing ending could benefit Spider-Man going forward and capitalize on a forgotten MCU plot point.

More: Sony Risks Wasting No Way Home’s Perfect Spider-Man Future Setup

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