Nomark Selects V.1. – A Compilation Album Selected From Amon Tobin’s Nomark Club Will Be Released Digitally And Via Newly Launched Bandcamp Vinyl Campaign @ – Armessa Music News


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) After the playfulness of opener “Babou The Dog,” from Nomark Selects V.1. (out digitally today and on vinyl via Bandcamp) “Cruel Like Flint” showcases Tobin’s artful delight in spiky sonic purity before wheeling round to the rhythmic crunch of “Golden” and the delicious “Yum Yum Rhythm” from long standing alias Two Fingers, before closing with the “Mighty Tetra.”

New tracks from Cujo (Tobin’s original alias back in 1996) get side two started. “Early For Clink Street” is the soundtrack to the sunrise walk through the backstreets after a night out, whilst “Nine Bars Back” has the sound of an urban, electronic Peter & The Wolf style fable.

“In Long Dark Grass,” “Deep In Time” and “Red Shift” round off this collection confirming why Tobin’s pioneering approach to sound has kept him at the forefront of electronic music for over 25 years.

As Electronic Sound magazine puts it “…you can almost imagine him examining and polishing each sound he uses, like a jeweler inspecting his gems through an eyepiece, before placing them back into the mix in just the right place to create a sonic experience of captivating abstracted beauty.”

Amon Tobin launched Nomark Records in 2019 with the breath-taking Fear In A Handful of Dust album.

He also set up a yearly subscription service for fans called The Nomark Club, where each Nomark release is made available to members, often before it is officially released.

In addition to the official releases, the Nomark Club releases preview and exclusive tracks and videos to subscribers.

After asking the Nomark Club members if they’d like to share some of these secrets with the wider world and produce a lovely vinyl as well, they voted on what tracks they’d like to see on an album from the first two years of the Nomark Club.

Unsurprisingly, because they have impeccable taste, they chose well.

This is what they picked.

Side A

Babou The Dog – Cujo vs Two Fingers

Cruel Like Flint – Amon Tobin

Golden – Two Fingers

Yum Yum Rhythm – Two Fingers

Mighty Tetra – Amon Tobin

Side B

Early for Clink Street – Cujo

Nine Bars Back – Cujo

In Long Dark Grass – Amon Tobin

Deep In Time – Amon Tobin

Red Shift – Amon Tobin

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