Our Unanswered Questions After the Finale – Armessa Movie News


The CW’s Superman & Lois covered a lot of ground in its third season, addressing topics ranging from the struggle of raising two teenage boys to a cancer battle — and that’s excluding the issues that require a cape. The season focused on Superman (Tyler Hoechlin) facing Bruno (Chad L. Coleman) and Peia Mannheim (Daya Vaidya) but also featured Lex Luthor’s (Michael Cudlitz) release from prison with a grudge against Lois (Bitsie Tulloch) and the Man of Steel. With all this and the characters’ personal drama to boot, it’s no wonder the Season 3 Finale didn’t wrap all the plots into a neat bow. Both the conflict with the main villain and the small-town drama are up in the air, meaning there are plenty of questions that won’t be answered until Superman & Lois returns. With a shortened Season 4 on the distant horizon, the fans will have to wait for answers to the show’s cliffhangers, and there are plenty of them.

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How Can Superman Defeat Doomsday?

Image via The CW

In the final episode, Luthor resurrects Bizzaro Superman, enhancing him into a being that looks familiar to comic fans. Though the name isn’t used in his limited screen time, this is clearly Doomsday (or at least inspired by him). Every time Doomsday is killed, he rises again stronger. Superman fights for his life, but it looks bleak, and if Doomsday keeps rising again, how will Superman stop him? The leading theory is the show will adapt the “Death of Superman” storyline, but how close the show will stick to it isn’t clear, meaning that, until the next season, Superman and Doomsday’s battle has no definite end.

What Is Lex Luthor’s Revenge Plan?

Image via The CW

Lex Luthor creates Doomsday as part of his revenge on the people who sent him to prison for a crime he didn’t commit, forcing tension between him and his daughter. After his release, he makes threats, and Lex seems to have a long and involved plan to make those a reality. His vendetta extends to Lois, Superman, Bruno Mannheim, and likely several others. Doomsday is his move against Superman, but he hasn’t yet targeted Lois. As Lex is set to return for Season 4, his plotting is sure to move forward, yet he is far from predictable. It’s still unclear if he is aware that Clark Kent is Superman, but if he is, that could factor into his revenge, or he could hurt the Lane-Kent family in other ways. Whatever the case, Lex is out to get them. While no one knows what his plans are, they cannot be good.

What Will Luthor Do To Sam Lane?

Dylan Walsh as General Sam Lane in Superman and Lois
Image via The CW

Lois’ father, Sam Lane (Dylan Walsh), has been determined to protect Lois from Lex, and between himself and Superman, he was confident. But the finale left Sam in a precarious position. After finally dating again, Sam introduces his family to Gretchen Kelley (Rebecca Staab), but soon learns she is employed by Lex. Gretchen helps to deliver Sam to Lex. Not only does this put Sam in danger, but it opens up Lois and her family. The season ends with Sam trapped by Luthor, and as Walsh announced that he won’t return for Season 4, it seems even worse. How this plot will conclude without Sam is troubling; the immediate guess is that Sam will not make it out of this situation. Though it would be a dark twist, it is undeniably a possibility, but only time will tell.

Will Jordan Get Back to Being a Hero?

Alexander Garfin in Superman and Lois
Image via The CW

Despite having the same powers as his father, Jordan (Alex Garfin) has a long way to go in the way of being a hero, especially after his disregard for secrecy and desire for attention finally caught up to him. Despite all the training Clark has put him through, Jordan was grounded from being a superhero until his parents think he can handle it properly. But with the newest threats, will benching him be an option? In Season 4, Jordan will have to prove himself to be responsible enough to get back out there, and the impending danger could either help or hurt his prospects. What Jordan can do to earn back Clark and Lois’ trust is unclear, but it will undoubtedly be the next step in his journey.

Can Jordan and Sarah Work It Out?

Inde Navarrette as Sarah Cushing in Superman & Lois
Image via The CW

From the very beginning, Jordan has been in love with Sarah Cortez (Inde Navarrette), but despite telling her of his powers, their relationship failed. Jordan has since struggled to interact with Sarah, as his lingering feelings make it awkward. Clark pushes them to make up in the season finale, and Jordan apologizes, but they agree they shouldn’t be friends for the moment. Jordan admits to needing to figure his life out, but even he is struggling to figure out what that means.

Will John Henry and Lana Finally Have a Relationship?

Lana (Emmanuelle Chriqui) and John Henry (Wolé Parks) eating together
Image via The CW

Since Lana (Emmanuelle Chriqui) and Kyle (Erik Valdez) divorced, Lana has been trying to get back to dating, and she and John Henry Irons (Wolé Parks) have had a flirtatious dynamic for some time. But the season finale shows their first date, which quickly escalates into them sleeping together. Though this seems to be the start of a relationship, it’s more complex than that. With Lana as the Mayor of Smallville and John Henry about to move to Metropolis to work with the D.O.D., this relationship could be doomed. They could always date long distance, but the reality does cast a shadow on their budding romance.

How Will Chrissy’s Pregnancy Impact the Cushing Family Dynamics?

Kyle (Erik Valdez) and Chrissy (Sofia Hasmik) meeting
Image via CW

The Cushing family has faced many scandals, with infidelity, divorce, Sarah’s mental health struggles, and the younger daughter Sophie (Joselyn Picard) running away because she felt neglected. Kyle and Lana have each faced difficulty in moving on after so many years of marriage, and they worked together to co-parent as well as could be expected, but the drama isn’t at an end, as Kyle is getting remarried to Chrissy Beepo (Sofia Hasmik), who is already pregnant with his third child. Though everyone was happy for him when he shared the news, a new child cannot help Sophie’s situation, nor is it without an emotional impact on Sarah and Lana. Certainly, this new development will complicate the family dynamic, which has struggled throughout the show. Though the Cushings are rumored to take a back seat in the new season, the changes with likely get a mention.


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