Paul Laurence Dunbar: An American Poet – A Short Film Review- Armessa Movie News


Paul Laurence Dunbar: An American Poet is an excellent example of how short film can be used to showcase historical events and make a lasting impression on its audience. Director Kane Stratton perfectly captures A. Slates powerful delivery of the poem “Sympathy” which is a real highlight of the film.

What’s It All Abnout?

40 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, America had yet to reach her promise to all citizens. So the day had come, when a prolific writer and poet called to the world. He reminded us all that we ought not lack our most sacred virtues…compassion and sympathy.

My Opinion

Kane Stratton has created a remarkable short film that captures audiences with its powerful storytelling and moving performances. Stratton manages to perfectly recreate the historic setting with some excellent camera work and a keen eye for detail. The films themes focus on compassion and racial inequality in late 1800’s Dayton, Ohio. The film is beautiflly with some great shot selection which really helps to set the scene and immerse the audinece quickly into its setting. The dialogue keeps the story moving and the camera cuts keep the conversation with the audience.

The delivery of the poem “Sympathy” by A. Slate, portraying Paul Laurence Dunbar, is the highlight of the film. From the first line until the last, Slate’s delivery is extremely powerful, really getting behind each and every word. Slate embraces the character and delivers each line with a convincing passion that ensures the audience is hanging off every word. The poems descriptions and metaphors of oppression and the longing for freedom are given a real lease of life from the words of Slate, really making you feel the message Dunbar was trying to achieve. The recital of the poem is something that really needs to be seen.

The soundtrack from by Umvikeli G. Scott Jones is extremely haunting and moving. I feel that the soundtrack enhances this short from start to finish. From the opening right to the credits rolling, I feel that Jones provides an excellent tone to the film. COmposition is the oerfect companion to this short.

Paul Laurence - An American Poet_2

Notable Performances

A. Slate delivers an intense performance as Paul Laurence Dunbar. Slate captures the defiance and passion of the celebrated poet showcasing while flexing their acting muscles with a real fiery yet calming performance. I felt as though Slate got the balance of this character just right. Obviously Slates recital of the poem “Sympathy” was simply a joy to watch which was performed perfectly and maybe at fault for overshadowing the rest of their performacnce. Slates talent is undeniable.

Timothy J. Cox is Mayor Snyder. Cox captures a rather slippery and self-assured nature in Snyder that leans into a slightly arrogant character. Cox and Slate create an intriguing dynamic that plays across the camera very well and in turn really energize the meeting between Snyder and Dunbar. Cox’s performance is a testament to his flexability as an actor to shape his performance into a wide variety of roles.

The Verdict

Overall, “Paul Laurence Dunbar: An American Poet” is a triumph in storytelling and artistic execution. The film’s style, cinematography, and attention to detail transport viewers to a pivotal time in history, allowing them to reflect on the enduring themes of compassion and racial inequality. Director Kane Stratton’s vision and the exceptional performances, particularly the delivery of the poem, make this short film a truly memorable and impactful cinematic experience.

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Life-long movie fanatic. Supporter of Inide Film. DVD collector and 80’s action movie fan. Lover of curry!


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– Armessa Movie News


