Pierce Brosnan Humorously Drops F-Bomb While Reflecting On Getting To Sing With Meryl Streep In Mamma Mia- Armessa Movie News


Pierce Brosnan has played some iconic characters in his career but one of the performances he will likely forever be remembered for is his role in the Musical Mia! Brosnan’s singing is somewhat infamous in the history of movie musicals, because the fact is that he’s not the world’s greatest singer. However, he got to sing with Meryl Streep, and you didn’t, so he doesn’t really care what you think.

Brosnan, who plays Dr. Fate in DC’s Black Adam on the big screen right now, spoke with NME and he was asked if he’d ever been offered the role of a musician in a biopic. Brosnan says that’s never happened, which he’s fine with, because he knows he’s not hired to sing, even when he does. The only movies he’s ever sung in is Mama Mia! and its sequel. Brosnan knows his singing isn’t exactly Grammy worthy, but in those movies he says that’s the joke. And he does have a platinum album because of it, and he got to sing with a cinematic icon, So F those people that have a problem. Brosnan says…

No, Mamma Mia‘s the closest I’ve got to singing and I love it. I did get a platinum album for my singing you know, so fuck the begrudgers! [chuckles again] I got to sing with Meryl Streep! It was the last thing I expected but I kind of got it. I understood the joke, the karaoke of it all. They didn’t employ me for my singing but I loved it anyway.


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