Pierce Brosnan Inspired Nina Dobrev & Adam Devine to Level Up – Armessa Movie News


Nina Dobrev and Adam Devine are stellar artists all on their own, but there’s nothing better than being surrounded by A+ talent on a film set that inspires one to take their work to the next level. They had such a source of inspiration in Pierce Brosnan while making Netflix’s The Out-Laws.

Devine’s character, Owen Browning, is a bank manager gearing up to marry the love of his life, Dobrev’s Parker. But, there’s one last high-priority thing Owen needs to do before they can exchange “I dos.” He needs to meet Parker’s parents (Pierce Brosnan and Ellen Barkin). Things get awkward, and action-packed, when Owen’s bank is held up by the infamous Ghost Bandits and he starts to suspect that the masked robbers are actually his future in-laws.

With The Out-Laws now available to stream on Netflix, I got the chance to chat with Dobrev and Devine about making the film, including their collaboration with an industry hero, Brosnan, and what it was like pulling off such substantial action scenes. Hear all about that and find out which past co-stars Dobrev and Devine would pick to rob a bank with in the video interview at the top of this article or in transcript form below.

Image via Netflix

PERRI NEMIROFF: First for fun, let’s say you, as in real you, have to rob a bank. You can pick two past co-stars to be your accomplices. Who do you pick that will give you the best chance of pulling off the heist?

ADAM DEVINE: Ooh, I would pick probably Rebel Wilson and Zac Efron because Rebel’s super funny. I would send her in, she would just start singing, and then I’d send in Zac Efron as Zac Efron and people are like, “What is Zac Efron doing here? And is that Rebel Wilson singing?” And then I just tiptoe around the side and get that loot.

This makes so much sense to me.

NINA DOBREV: I feel like you’ve thought about this. That was very specific. [Laughs]

DEVINE: It’s all I think about. It’s all I can think about.

DOBREV: Oh gosh. I think I’d have to go with Vin Diesel for obvious reasons.

Solid choice.

DOBREV: Because he’d probably get a monster truck or something.

DEVINE: Yeah, he knows what to do.

DOBREV: He’d just trail-blaze through the walls directly. I wouldn’t even need a second person.

DEVINE: No, you’re good.

No, Vin Diesel can count for two.

DEVINE: Maybe like a vampire because they might be able to just appear into the vault, right?

DOBREV: Yeah, but are they their characters?

Yeah, that’s the problem.

DEVINE: Yeah, you can be.

DOBREV: I think that they’re co-stars. They’re like the actors.

DEVINE: Oh, your co-stars can’t do everything that they’ve done in the films?

That’s how I thought it worked.

DEVINE: That’s not how it works?

Image via Paramount

I’m going to ask you to each throw a co-star under the bus now. You have to pick one co-star that you do not want to invite …



DEVINE: [Laughs] Got you, dude!

Are you not telling Nina? Who’s the co-star that would rat you out, screw you over, somehow reveal the plan and mess everything up?

DOBREV: I’m just trying to go through my filmography. Like, who have I worked with?

DEVINE: I feel like it would be one of my Workaholics co-stars, like Blake Anderson or Anders Holm because we have a podcast together, This Is Important, and we just we won’t shut up about anything, so I feel like they would totally blow my spot up. And they’re not to be trusted.

You were really prepared for this game. I like it!

DEVINE: Yeah, they’re not to be trusted those guys. Who do you trust the least?

DOBREV: I really don’t know.

DEVINE: You were in Workaholics, you could say Blake and Anders.


You were in The Final Girls together. You could pick someone from that movie.

DOBREV: Yeah! Maybe Taissa [Farmiga].

DEVINE: Taissa.

DOBREV: She’s so honest and so sweet.

DEVINE: Yeah, she’s too honest. It’s refreshing how honest she is.

Image Via Stage 6 Films

Adam, with this movie, you produced it and I also know you were heavily involved in the development of the script, so it was making me wonder, what is the biggest difference between day one when you first started picturing this story and what we now see in the final film?

DEVINE: Tyler Spindel, our director, did a great job. I’ve never done the huge chase scene, action set pieces that we wrote. So writing the car chase through the cemetery, I was like, “How is this gonna look? Is it gonna look cheesy and cheap?”

DOBREV: It looks so cool.

DEVINE: It looks so good! And we built that entire cemetery. And I did it all. I painted every – [Laughs] There’s a whole art department, they’re like, “No, he didn’t. That liar.” It feels so much bigger than I ever thought it would. You know, you read it on the page, and you’re like, “I hope we can pull this stuff off.” And especially it starts off and you watch the first 15 or so minutes and you’re like, “Oh, this is like a little rom-com type movie. I’ve seen these people do these types of movies before,” and it’s nice, but then, all of a sudden, it just takes a hard left-hand turn and you’re like, “This is a damn action film all of a sudden!”

You produce a lot. Do you have any itch to direct?

DEVINE: Yeah, maybe someday. I see how long those guys have to sit in an edit bay … [Laughs]

DOBREV: It’s a lot.

DEVINE: It’s a lot, yes.

That’s fair.

DEVINE: I mean, Nina knows. She’s directed some stuff.

Image via Cole Ferguson

You have a lot of producing credits coming up. To lean into that a little, do you remember what specific experience sparked that itch to produce? And what are your goals as a producer to make sure that you create the on-set environment that you appreciate as an actor?

DOBREV: I think once I left The Vampire Diaries, I remember getting the same offer over and over again for the same type of role, the same type of genre, and I really wanted to step outside the box and not get pigeonholed, so I decided to create my own opportunities. It’s been years and years in the making, and they’re finally all starting to slowly come out, which is really exciting and cool.

DEVINE: Hell yeah they are, girl.

DOBREV: But being on set, especially when I directed for the first time, the vibe was very important to me, and I definitely wanted everyone to feel like they were a part of it and had a voice in the experience, and so it made for a really positive and collaborative set, I think.

Veering back towards The Out-Laws now, you have an exceptional ensemble in this film. Can you each name a time when a co-star was just the scene partner you needed and they helped you access something in your own character that you never would have been able to reach without them?

DEVINE: I feel like there was a scene with me and Pierce [Brosnan] when we drive out to the countryside, and then it’s me saying I’m gonna help them get the money to save Parker and we’re gonna rob banks together. I remember just really feeling like, this has to be real, in the moment, and I’m opposite Pierce Brosnan. And then afterward, he was like, “That was a really good scene,” and I just floated home. I was like, “You don’t even need to take me home, transpo. I’ll float home. Pierce Brosnan said I did well.” [Laughs]

Pierce Brosnan and Adam Devine Making The Out-Laws
Image via Netflix

DOBREV: I had a similar experience on this film with Pierce as well, actually. Maybe because we’re just such fans.

DEVINE: Yeah, I think we’re just Pierce dorks.

DOBREV: He says something nice and we’re like, “Oh my god!” [Laughs] We had a one-on-one scene that I don’t even know if it made the movie. Did it make the movie?


DOBREV: Really?

DEVINE: Yeah. It sucks. I know.

We need bonus material!

DEVINE: We do!

What happens in it? What did he do for you?

DOBREV: There’s a scene that’s like a late-night scene where I’m smoking a cigarette, I think. We shot it two ways, once with a cigarette and once with a vape because we didn’t know what would be okay on Netflix.

Important to cover your bases there.

DOBREV: Yeah, and it was just an intimate, super sweet father-daughter scene that afterward, he was just like, kind of the same thing, “That was a great scene. You did a great job.” I was like, “Thanks, Pierce!”

I love that.

DEVINE: Pierce is the best, man.

Yeah, I get that kind of vibe.

DOBREV: But yeah, you sort of level up with whoever you’re shooting with. Like when I’m shooting with Adam, the stakes are super low …

DEVINE: What?! And that’s why I’m not bringing you on the bank heist.

DOBREV: [Laughs] I’m kidding!

DEVINE: And that’s why.


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