Pierce Brosnan Recalls Meeting Robin Williams For The First Time… As Mrs. Doubtfire- Armessa Movie News


Mrs. Doubtfire is one of those movies that it seems everybody loves. It has clearly stood the test of time as new generations of kids get introduced to it. It’s one of the late Robin Williams most popular films, and his co-star Pierce Brosnan says he was very excited to be working with Williams, even though he didn’t actually meet the actor until after the movie had finished filming.

Former James Bond Pierce Brosnan recently sat down and spoke with GQ about several of his most popular films, including Mrs. Doubtfire. Brosnan talks about being thrilled to be working with Robin Williams, and recounts the first time he met Robin, he was already in his Mrs. Doubtfire makeup, at least from the neck up, making their first meeting pretty funny for all involved. Brosnan says… 

I was so thrilled to be working with him, and Sally Field. I remember going up to San Francisco the first day. I went into the makeup trailer, and Robin was there. He had a Hawaiian shirt on, big hairy arms and cargo pants, hairy legs. But he had the head of Mrs. Doubtfire. [Chuckles, imitates Williams] ‘Oh, hello Pierce. Ooh, you’re very handsome, ooh, give us a kiss! Oooh!’ [Deepens voice] ‘Hey there, buddy. Nice to see you, glad you came up.’ [As himself] ‘Hello Robin, how are you man?’ [As Williams] ‘Oh, I’m good, man. Been here for hours.’ I would go to work, and I worked every day on that movie, and I was always working with, you know, Mrs. Doubtfire. It wasn’t ’til the end of the movie that I met Robin.


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