Pink: ‘I sang with Sting once and I feel like he hypnotized me’ – Music News – Armessa Music News


Superstar P!nk joined Ronan Keating on Magic Radio Breakfast to chat about her brand-new album ‘Trustfall’ and upcoming tour.

Whilst discussing her new very personal album the singer explained why she wasn’t ready for her new single ‘Trustfall’. “That song was a gift; I wasn’t ready for that song. I’m not ready to write that song. Losing a parent there are no words for the experience. It’s like your greatest fear when you’re a little kid and it happens. I just don’t have the words for it yet. I haven’t unpacked that suitcase yet.”

As an artist who has always championed women’s rights, she spoke about her passion for fighting for equality within the music industry. “My daughter actually asked me the other day, ‘mamma why do you do this’, because I get a lot of death threats, and I said well because it is in me. I was born this way, but also I was raised this way. My dad was a fighter, he was called Mr Cause. He was a letter writer, a marcher and it’s in me. I said Willow if it’s not in you there is other ways you can help. You can be an ally, you can vote, you can donate, you can educate… you don’t have to be as loud as I’am but I think I have a responsibility.”

The pair also talked about P!nk’s popularity within Australia with Ronan asking whether she would consider the move down under. “Oh, absolutely in a second. It’s getting a quicker second by the minute” she commented.

The ‘A Million Dreams’ singer also took on Magic Radio’s Mini Magic where some of the station’s younger listeners got the chance to ask P!nk some questions. When asked who the best artist was, she had sung with the singer revealed she had been lucky to perform with a lot of great singers before revealing she had fallen under Sting’s spell. “I sang with Sting once and I feel like he hypnotized me. He is a like a shape shifter, and I would have run away with him forever. I was like I think I’m married to Sting now, I should tell Carey.” She also only had praise for Kelly Clarkson, who she recently performed with. “How good is she. I want to sing with her forever. Damn that women. I also want to punch her for that voice” joked the singer.

P!nk also confirmed that she would love to see another Greatest Showman film made and that she would ‘absolutely’ do another song should the project happen.

You can listen to Ronan Keating and Harriet Scott on Magic Radio Breakfast weekdays from 6am.


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