Pink ‘saddened and disappointed’ by feud headlines – Music News – Armessa Music News


Pink feels “saddened and disappointed” that her comments about her celebrity feuds have dominated the headlines surrounding her press tour.

The Get the Party Started singer has been on a mammoth publicity tour for her new album Trustfall, and two of the biggest headlines from her candid interviews have been related to her feud with Christina Aguilera and her belief Madonna doesn’t like her.

Pink, real name Alecia Moore, reflected on the press coverage of her promo tour on Instagram over the weekend. While she acknowledged that she is partly to blame as she cannot lie, she noted that she shouldn’t have been asked those questions in the first place.

“I’m so saddened and disappointed by the narrative surrounding some of the press I’ve been doing around my album Trustfall,” she wrote. “While some of the responsibility lays with me and my inability to lie, and my uncanny ability to overshare- my real disappointment lies in the fact that the art can never be the focus when you’re a woman.”

The 43-year-old stated that she has made “one of the most beautiful albums” but most of the media were only interested in asking about “a silly fued (sic) from your Twenties”.

She went on to highlight the double standards in interview questions between men and women, writing, “For every one or two women I’ve had issue with – there are hundreds that I’ve complimented and supported and loved on. But we don’t talk about that. I wonder when the last time Bradley Cooper or Robert Deniro (sic) were asked in interview after interview about any argument they’d ever had. How about Christian Bale? We stick to the art with them, Don’t we? I’d like to have the same opportunity.”

Pink was asked about clashing with Christina on the set of the Lady Marmalade music video several times during her press tour and she insisted she was not “shading” her and that they had made amends.

To conclude her Instagram post, Pink wrote, “To Christina- you know where we stand. Resolved. Onwards and upwards.”


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